"The app says I have to sit in a virtual data room with mountains of work for the next 16 hours."

Macfarlanes has created a 'trainee experience app', where users can sample mock trainee activities on their phone.  

Prospective candidates can download the app and complete tasks "modelled on real work" created by the firm's solicitors and trainees, with the added bonus that they can switch to Candy Crush if it gets too much. 

The app, developed by Macfarlanes graduate recruitment and lawtech teams, will also run virtual seminars "so that participants can ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the practice areas". 

RollOnFriday gave the app a whirl. To start, virtual trainees are allowed to choose their seat, without having to curry favour with the HR team or play office politics:  


Once a user has picked their department, they are presented with a case study followed by instructions such as amending a document, drafting a memo, or responding to questions. However, it doesn't replicate the full trainee experience of forcing users to cancel evening plans in order to be subjected to a marathon beasting. Instead, users can answer a question about PJ, whilst in their PJs:


The app congratulates star virtual trainees, and permits them to go to the next section (their first climb of the greasy pole): 

05 App

In a refreshing move, those with less stellar marks are still praised and allowed to progress to the next stage, without receiving a bollocking from a furious partner:

06 App

As virtual work experience programmes become the norm for firms, Macfarlanes training principal Jat Bains said that such technology "can open the gates to the ‘playing field’ wide open and allow people from all backgrounds to have the chance to see at least some of what those who gain a place on a vacation scheme can experience." 

It is not known whether any firm will create a 'partner experience app', where users score points for hoarding work and creating their own practice area fiefdoms.  

The Macfarlanes trainee experience app is available for download in the Apple App Store and on Google Play, or can be accessed in a desktop browser.  Or if it doesn't float your boat, there's always the 8-bit video game 'Capacity' instead.

And for those wanting an app to meet lawyers IRL and find love, there is Lawyr

Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 29 October 21 09:43

Before launching, and to instil the habits of being a solid trainee, you would have thought Macfarlanes would have checked for typos (page 2 of the Finance task). Perhaps it is deliberate to prove just how important proof reading is!

Those were the days 29 October 21 09:45

Virtual throwing of phones and other office items by a partner at trainees just isn't the same.

ShootyOriginal 29 October 21 09:47

Nony @ 9.29: they tell the person to post something on Twitter about JK Rowling (doesn't matter what) and force them to read the responses for an hour.

Anonymous 29 October 21 09:53

Personally I don't understand why people get so upset about JK Rowling's views.

They're all firmly grounded in scientific fact.



Save for the stuff about wizards, obviously.

Anonymous 29 October 21 10:22

They ought to have an app which makes the text slightly blurry and move around the screen and ring regularly with the the voice of your spouse asking when you're coming home, to simulate the effect of working till 2am on an IPO.

anonymous 30 October 21 17:13

How do they replicate a creepy EP invading personal space and getting handsy on a social, must be a post deal night out section for that.

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