An addicted gambler is bringing an action against the Crown Casino in Melbourne after claiming that she has been repeatedly ripped off by one of the machines.

Shonica Guy has launched a claim against the casino saying it "stole 14 years" of her life. The gambler is directing her ire at a machine called Dolphin Treasure which she claims cheated players. Guy said the machine used to be her "favourite machine" but that she kept "putting more money in" with the belief that a win was "just around the corner".

Her action is based on an investigation by academics who dismantled a model, analysed it, and allegedly found one of the spinning wheels was much larger than the others to reduce the chance of winning. Guy's lawyer said that the machine was "designed with tricks that players are not aware of, which encourage them to keep pressing that button and keep losing money.' 

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Guy is bringing the action on the basis that the machine's design is contrary to consumer law. Despite shelling out a shedload on the machine she is not claiming compensation but is instead seeking an order that such machines are changed.

The Crown casino says it will vigorously defend the lawsuit, and will rely on the old adage that the casino always wins.
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