Slaughter and May has cut short its rolling graduate recruitment process creating - horror of horrors - a deadline.

Previously the firm reviewed applications as and when they appeared on the doormat. But for the intake of 2012, the postbox will be slammed shut at 5pm on 30 July. Fortunately - as the firm is well known for having the simplest application procedures in the City (a mere CV and covering letter) - applicants have still got time. Just remember that it's Slaughter and May. Not Slaughter & May.

    A Slaughters applicant finalises his covering letter

The move comes on the back of the firm closing its recruitment early last year, and is presumably simply down to an overwhelming number of applicants. Vacation schemes - traditional trainee hunting grounds - have been rammed full across the City. And given the slim pickings last year, there are effectively two years' worth of graduates fighting over the few jobs going.

But whatever the reason, the decision was sufficiently ground-breaking for Lawyer 2B to excitedly use the word "radical" twice in a single sentence when first breaking the story (sadly, now amended). That's a word you don't hear too often regarding Slaughter and May.

Slaughters has posted one of the best trainee retention rates this year, a blockbusting 93%. So getting a training contract there is as close as Generation Y is going to get to job security. Certainly better prospects than at Mayer Brown, which is only keeping 10 of its 21. Check out RollOnFriday's running tally here - and make sure you send in your firm's results here.
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