A doctor is suing a Miami Beach restaurant because he had to endure surgery after he ingested - of his own free will - an entire artichoke. That's a entire globe artichoke, not a Jerusalem one which would just have resulted in wind.

On 3 May 2009, Arturo Carvajal, MD visited Houston's restaurant in glamorous Miami Beach and chose the grilled artichoke. Unfortunately for his digestive system he'd never had grilled artichoke before and, in the absence of clear instructions, scoffed the lot. Globe artichokes are - according to RollOnFriday botanists - a form of thistle and thus ingesting them leaves and all is not recommended. And actually very difficult. Carvajal must have great teeth.

    Arturo Carvajal yesterday (artist's impression)

Carvajal, in understandable agony - stuffed as he was with indigestible bits of thistle - went to hospital and underwent exploratory surgery on his bowel, which was found to be crammed with said artichoke leaves. Agony on the way in. And, one imagines, not much fun on the way out either.

And he's now suing for $15,000. His complaints including "bodily injury, pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish and loss of capacity for the enjoyment of life". According to his claim, the restaurant was under a duty to explain to customers the proper method of consuming an artichoke "which by its appearance as served appeared to be wholly consumable". Probably best to stick to mashed banana and ice cream for the foreseeable future, Arturo.
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