A five-year, AUS$40m court case has collapsed after it was discovered that the document in dispute was actually only a draft. Justice Hilary Penfold described it as a "sorry affair" and said that "both parties have been remarkably careless in their conduct of the litigation".
A report on the treatment of inmates at Edmonton Remand Centre in Canada has ruled that prisoners who were forced to wear dirty and stained pants had their human rights abused.
    Meet the latest members of Matrix Chambers, goldfish Danny and Ken.
In his partner biography Gilbert Nesbitt, of Northern Irish firm Wilson Nesbitt, describes his perfect day: "a big powder dump." That's something you ski on, rather than snort, RollOnFriday hopes.
  Recruitment consultancy Law Professionals is advertising a vacancy for a competiton lawyer with a not so competitive salary:
  And check out the cracking website of German law firm Dr. Grund...
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