The Source likes little more than an extended City luncheon party. All very genial.

And it's interesting who one might spot at this time of year. Given that the days are sunny and the workload is light, eating out (and possibly spending what remains of the day imbibing) seems to be a popular sport.

And yesterday - not to be outdone - The Source found himself sitting at a table in a sunny City courtyard (those with eagle eyes will no doubt recognise it from the picture hereto attached). All around sat well-fed grandees, alternately moaning about their asparagus soup, ogling the staff and passing the wine. One gastronome in particular caught the eye.

Exhibit A

It was none other than Richard Susskind. Well-reader Roffers will no doubt recognise the name. He consults for a bunch of law firms about IT and the future of legal services - whilst simultaneously writing books like "The End of Lawyers" (a book described by Stuart Popham as "scary", and he should know). Basically, we're all doomed - or something along those lines.

But what is this, dear reader? Richard's table contains little more than an empty bottle of sparkling water. Keen observers were able to witness Susskind paying for lunch (just at the moment as The Source moved onto the digestifs). So not so much the end of lawyers, eh Dicky? More like the end of the free legal lunch.