You can tell it's half term

Can't you?

school holidays show you could solve most traffic problems by banning school drop offs within a large distance of the school, and laying on a guaranteed bus service for anyone outside an easy walking distance of the school (say 1.5 miles) - we could have those US style yellow buses.

Who the fook has time to walk 1.5 miles to a school and then walk somewhere else to get a train or bus to work.

that said, agree all those Clapham mummies driving tank like 4x4s to do the school run before they hit a hard day of yoga classes and lunches with the girls should be banned from driving 

Wellington17 Feb 20 13:04

Who the fook has time to walk 1.5 miles to a school and then walk somewhere else to get a train or bus to work.

Er, I'm not advocating child labour. They can stay in school once they're there.

Most primary school kids live very close to their school and parents should arrange a walking the kids to school rota with help of school if necessary - secondary school kids do not need parents to walk them.

really?  I started walking to school alone at about age 8.    I realise times change (not that danger has increased, but that parental attitudes have changed) but I see plenty of kids who look 10 or 11 walking to school unaccompanied.

I think danger has increased in parts of London. where i Iive school children are regularly mugged for their phones. and knife crime never used to be such a big thing

No walking to work when I was that age as my aunt who lived next door was one of the teachers at my primary school. There was also the issue of when the daughter of some friends of my parents was abducted, murdered and the guy not caught for like 25 years.

Guy Crouchback17 Feb 20 15:00

I see plenty of kids who look 10 or 11 walking to school unaccompanied.

As long as you know you're on several lists and the authorities are watching you then just take care and try to control the urges, Guy.

 There was also the issue of when the daughter of some friends of my parents was abducted, murdered and the guy not caught for like 25 years.

Geez! How did they catch him after all that time? 

We're all sarcasm bots, Guy - just continually trying to match your wit, humour and contributions to the Board.

It's a really tough job we can never hope to fulfill.

Dusty, I've checked the dates and it was 12 years from the family friend's murder to conviction. 25 years was the gap between the deed and his charging for one of the other murders he committed. The man in question was Robert Black so you can look up the full history online.

I went to school with a girl who was not allowed to walk by herself at 11

she is currently off sick with stress and her dad emails her boss with sick notes