What is the most evil boss you ever had doing now?

Mine is a partner at a Big 4 firm in Belfast.

Probably an actual multimillionaire.

Dead.  He came off his motorbike around 10 years ago.  Used to drink a bottle of whiskey a day.  I have no doubt the two were connected.

He used to throw files at me down the stairs and other such treats.  He would also leave notes on my desk telling me how terrible i was.  Decades down the line i still see those notes on occasion.

He's a successful KC at a prominent set and also something else successful which would identify him.  Complete sociopath with zero empathy.  Hope he gets cancer.

Big 4 in Belfast is abso kerching time.

You probably know them actually, clubbers, on the accountancy grapevine. They are just as weird and freaky and rubbery as they seem.

Deader than a dead thing.

He was brilliant but also a complete ladypart.  Once told me (as a very junior associate) to F*** off home when we were at a hearing overseas.  (He did later have the good grace to apologise.)  Used to regularly pick on and belittle people in his team in front of outsiders.

I found out at my leaving do after tolerating years of his crap that he was bipolar.  It explained a lot and I wish I had known before because as self-doubting junior I blamed myself for a lot of his behaviour.  

Interesting parallels there Nex.  The self doubt that can be created by a single person at an early stage in your career is terrifying.  I spend a lot of time mentoring and training younger members of the profession on confidence and learning how to recognise genuine constructive criticism from gratuitous behaviour.  Thankfully there are a lot more seniors now in practice who confront this sort of shite.  Shame its taken decades and still work to do.

Boss # 1 – Evil witch of the highest order. Got made a partner because she was fooking the Managing Partner (although she nearly scotched that by sucking off an associate when she got hammered at a party). After she got made up the MP divorced his wife and they got married. She got very publicly booted out of the partnership some years later and became a housewife as no-one else would employ her.


Boss # 2 – Got booted out of his city firm after being jailed for his second DUI. Set up on his own. No idea how it went, but the business sold a number of years later and I suspect his shares made him a few million. He was like Donald Trump and if you told him that he would be flattered.

Stole a six figure sum from our employer - and the office Christmas savings club fund - and spent it on cocaine, clothes and a toyboy who dumped her the Instant she was convicted.

big, big massive LOL at the application of the word “evil” to anyone I’ve ever worked for

of the three more senior individuals I found most difficult to work with, one is a retired city partner who’s now about 70 and appears to still be living in the same big house in the same dull suburb (he was basically a decent guy, and a big name in the market, but a real grumpy fvcker); one is a moderately big cheese in the reinsurance industry; and one is a quasi legal consultant in the energy world after washing through a couple of partner gigs at not very good american law firms 

Subterfuge may well have worked for the same person as me. 

Or alternatively lots of nasty types end up at legal consultancies when firms realise they are even too toxic for law firms.


Two have equal billing. One ended up in jail. The other was frogmarched from.the premises after an attempt to cover up fraud was revealed. He's now a low grade consultant at a PR firm.

big, big massive LOL at the application of the word “evil” to anyone I’ve ever worked for

Laz, the MP of our former shop comes pretty close. Although probably more utter qunt than actual evil.

This Boss wasnt evil but very unpleasant. As with others a complete lack of empathy and understanding their impact on others. Was one of those partners who move every few years based on bullshit. Took over department forced certain people out. I stayed a few months and left. Person actually got away with much more than a few years, as partner who recruited him would have been embarrassed to let them go too soon. Person was ultimately forced out a few years after i left not sure because they were unpleasant but useless from a business dev point of view and did little actual law work.

How evil does someone have to be for someone like Warren - who claims to be On The Right Side Of History - to want to get cancer?

What did they do Warren?  Murder someone?  Rape someone?  Put a red pen through your sh1t drafting?

Not my direct bosses.  But the two most evil I've worked for are - respectively:

- continuing the graceful drift through the partnership of declining tiers of law firms every 2-3 years (or however long it takes them to discover what a useless prick he is); and

- very senior and successful in the former Coffee LLP and held out as a poster child and an example for the kids to follow, and probably still despised by every single person who works with them.



Level of evil of the latter was such that she was widely known among those who worked with her simply as EWH.  

Evil Witch from Hell.

Actually seemed to take pleasure in inflicting pain on her team and bullying them horribly, beneath a veneer of sweetness and light.

How evil does someone have to be for someone like Warren - who claims to be On The Right Side Of History - to want to get cancer?

What did they do Warren?  Murder someone?  Rape someone?  Put a red pen through your sh1t drafting?

Lol Tom, I see you're still butt-hurt from the spanking I gave you once?  Let it go mate, comes across as very small dick energy

Quite a few in jail then.

I had one years ago who took actual incel pleasure in bullying the female members of the team, it was well known his end game was to make each one cry. He's still there, hating himself and all the women presumably.



I've seen her change firms on average once every 3 to 4 years, leaving a trail of destruction behind her. 5 casualties from the place i left and 2 more from the one she went to. We are known as the survivors club.

She has a handful of clients she takes with her each time which make her an attractive partnership prospect despite being widely known as a complete nightmare to work with. She is coming up to the 4 year mark now so we expect another move.I think she might be running out of options thoas it is quite a sepcialist area