Very good review of the new Douglas Murray book



Why I’ve reported Douglas Murray to the police

Douglas Murray's latest is an Alt-right handbook: 300 pages of hateful bile – on white paper, no less


I've never reviewed a book before, and I fully intend to follow my editor’s advice and be as impartial as possible. But just to make it clear from the outset, Douglas Murray’s The Madness of Crowds is an abomination. It’s a sustained invective against woke culture, an attempt to reverse all the hard work of passionate civil rights activists such as Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi and Lily Allen...

"...His internalised homophobia is perhaps the saddest thing of all. He kink-shames gay pride marchers who choose to wear S&M gear, claiming that it is “off-putting to whatever cause they are hoping to advance”, and that “if the black civil rights movement had included a fetish section it would have been considerably easier to ignore its moral force”. On the contrary, if Martin Luther King had regularly worn PVC harnesses and nipple clamps at his public speeches, I’m sure that people would have taken him far more seriously."
