Trump you ignorant prick

His tweet, following deaths and hardship in Illinois, around the Great Lakes and NE US. 


In the beautiful Midwest, windchill temperatures are reaching minus 60 degrees, the coldest ever recorded. In coming days, expected to get even colder. People can’t last outside even for minutes. What the hell is going on with Global Waming? Please come back fast, we need you!

who tf came up with the name "global warming" originally?  it's the most unhelpful and backfiring name since the Vauxhall Astra (which means hairy bellend in french)

The people who came up with it probably weren't thinking about the PR campaign they'd apparently need to repel the worldwide community of conspiracy theorist morons. 


It was in general use when I was studying at University in the late 80s and my environmental systems lecturer, the legendary Professor Ken Gregory, was shouting loudly about the dangers of CFCs as dispersants in aerosols (Chloro Fluorocarbons). He had just led a project which had measured the Ozone Layer depletion above the arctic caused by CFC emissions using remote sensing (satellite imagery - innovative at the time - and weather balloons).

In a significant paper Professor Gregory warned of a "Global Mean Temperature Incline" which was regarded as too wordy and the New Scientist and Geographical Magazine ran articles summarising his research. They used the shorter term which was an editorial not scientific decision.

His model assumed that the lack of ozone would cause short wave length solar energy to reach the land surface which it normally didn't in such quantities.  Normally, even that which gets through gets reflected back through the albedo effect of snow and ice. But if that is melting and land surfaces are uniced, then they absorb as have no or limited albedo. Soil would warm up. There would be an ice melt on the fringes of the permafrost zone, which he accepted would then refreeze in winter temps but even a increase in the range of the temporary permafrost zone melt would be very significant.  The melt would release methane from the permafrost, accelerating the issue of temperature increase as it was a "greenhouse gas" which would trap atmospheric temp increase.  It would also release fresh water into the atmosphere (evaporation in the water cycle) and into oceans.  Fresh water in the oceans would influence the moderating sea currents and increased humidity in the air would increase precipitation. Though there would be an ice cap and glacial retreat over 50 to 100 years due to mean melting range, the shorter term impact would also be in the form of increased ice and snow, not decreased. That was because even if the temp raised by 1.5 degrees, a lot of regions would have occasional negative temps, so there'd be more water in play and thus more ice/snow. 

In regions not used to snow, there would be an increase in rainfall and an increase in snow and ice when temps were low.  That occasion would increase because the moderating currents keeping places like Western Europe, Eastern USA etc would not keep land masses and air masses as temperate as they usually did and there would be more water vapour in the atmosphere in these now colder areas. The widely populated temperate zones would then complain that the effect of "global warming" was global cooling, failing to note the average temp per annum was clicking u;. This debate is what climate change deniers then hooked onto.

Ken Gregory wrote a follow up article saying the term "global warming" was distracting. He restated that occasions of cold weather would be colder and wetter even though the climate was getting warmer not colder. He reminded people of the difference between "weather" and "climate".  Unfortunately for the integrity and prescience of his model, people split into using the casual term "global warming" and the scientific community preferred "climate change" but the former has been stuck for 30 years.

Yours sincerely



bails, how are things?

Our cat has been officially adjudged obese by our vet. we have a working dog who is, though Labrador, a sensible eater. She only really eats if she's made room by doing a decent walk. The cat only gets out of bed to stroll over to the dog's bowl and eat her food. We usually get it out of the way but when we don't she stuffs her face.  She will make a very capacious hot water bottle cover when dead.

We have tried lower fat biscuits but the cat just redoubles her effort to eat the dog's more fatty food.

we have been advised - get this - to get her out of bed and tease her with a laser pen so she jogs about a bit. 

She's a right bitch as well. When the dog walks past, wagging positively, the cat sits there looking like the Queen does :-( and then slashes at her with her knife-feet, for no good reason.

we have been advised - get this - to get her out of bed and tease her with a laser pen so she jogs about a bit. 

hehe.  My cat had a touch of feline asthma a few years ago.  The vet said [for the cat] to use an inhaler - yeah, right.  Getting the cat to the vet in the first place was a monumental task in itself.

I’m touched that you linked an inquiry as to my welfare to your obese bitchface cat. Sweet  

Im good. I’m about near your place next week if you fancy a coffee and a catch up. Much occurring but not for the asylum of nutters on here. 

Incidentally, on obese cats, a mate has a “bulky” cat who tried to game the scales at the vets. Stood on machine with three legs, heavily loaded the fourth off the scales. Caught out when vet noticed he was listing to one side. 

mine just sat like a Vogon in the cage (the carrying of which nearly ripped my shoulder out of its socket - kettle bell practice) and refused to come out. When the vet leaned in to get her out she turned into the flaming devil baby from The Incredibles 2.

Eventually he got her out and she lay down and started purring. Slutbitchcat

Draco sweetie, Trump is within the margin of error in that poll for a start, but even if it were bang on accurate, 9% of Democrats voted for Trump in 2016, so his support among Democrats has fallen by a half.

Congratulations on posting evidence of Trump being weaker now than an any time in his presidency.

Thanks for playing dipshit.

which language is that, who the fook are you anyway (I missed all the threads where you wound people up, have never engaged with you and am slightly bemused by all this). 

I don't know if you can read or sustain logical thought, but in case so, let me say this:

This thread was not, oddly, a political thread. It may appear that to you but you'd be incorrect.  It was a thread about ignorance and hatred of a person.  If a Democrat, a Socialist or a Nazi had written that they'd have got my reaction too.