sourdough bread (slight return)

Cracked it. Dropped rye flour for the starter and just used ordinary white bread flour instead. Feed it once a week and/or when I use some of it. Made about 10 loaves of it now. Prove it in the fridge overnight and give it all the following day to rise. Tray of water in the oven. 230 degrees. Every one has been perfect. 


Well done, Bentines. What else are you putting in the starter / how do you feed it, please? Any directions etc gratefully received - never really tried making sourdough but you have inspired me if it's that easy.

Nothing but flour and water. Should be easier for the yeast to develop now the weather is getting warmer. I keep it in an old jam jar with the lid on but not tightened. About 200ml of starter at any time. I use 100ml for a loaf and replace it with a 50g flour/50ml water mixture. If I haven't used it for a week or so, I take out half, throw it away and add the 50g/50ml mixture which keeps it active. 


I fvcked it off. A lot of faff for bread that wasn’t as nice as what you could buy in the shop. I quickly twigged that the proving and raising times in the recipe were too short by hours, but after an initial brief flurry haven’t bothered. The starter has been sat in my fridge for weeks now. I should check it really. 

My first attempt was shite. 6 loaves and only one of them really edible. Stopped using "organic rye flour" for Tesco strong plain flour. The rest has been great and wouldn't swap for shop bought. I'm essentially lazy and wouldn't put the effort in if it wasn't worth it. 

Definitely give it longer to prove and rise. 8 hours in the fridge, 6-8 rising the next day. The top of the dough should have visible bubbles before you put it in the oven.