sleazy law firm partner - non shocka

this sounds familiar....


"On Monday the tribunal also heard the solicitor admitted she had 'wandering eyes' to her friend and wanted a 'millionaire' boyfriend around when she took the job - rather than her own boyfriend at the time.

Ms Romney read out WhatsApp messages between them which said: 'Anyway I'm sick of him everyone wonders why I have such wandering eyes.

'I want to marry a millionaire, I bored with this lowlife, I'M BORED.

'I feel like I'm going through a really weird phase in my life when I could so easily go and have an affair.

'I'm literally fighting with myself and I don't know who will win.

'I want my boyfriend to turn up outside my house in a Range Rover and buy me a puppy.'"

She sounds like a victim in all those texts. 

As an aside, isn’t the age gap just 19 years? 

I know of a “couple” formed out of a partner’s affair with a trainee which led to her getting super fast elevations, her falling pregnant, him divorcing his wife and now married to the trainee/associate - there the age gap is about 25 years. 

I took my now wife to a sex show in amsterdam with colleagues.  my m7 dave got made to eat a banana out of a large lady's err unconventional banana holding place.  she mashed it all into his face.  of course being a sensitive type I spend the rest of the weekend sneaking bananas into his bag, bed, pillow etc at every opportunity.

Thinking about it we went back to the same sex show a couple of years later with dave and his wife.  

the sex museum is more fun, particularly if you like dogs...