Sky Brown, 13, Olympic medalist

Fantastic stuff. She’s amazingly talented. Seems a very polite girl too - actually all the skateboarders seemed to support each other. 

Who knew that children could participate in the Olympics. I guess they have to have chaperones? 

Just sent the BBC clip to my eldest daughter, exactly same age. What a fab young girl absolutely bossing it and getting a gong. A real role model for the younglings.

Given you obviously have to be small to do this best, presumably at some point short adults are going to take up skate boarding, practice for years and clean up.  I assume kids winning this thing is a transitional thing (well done tho)

Well done to her, Interesting background. Father is British and mother is Japanese. Born in USA, but lives in Japan and Japanese is her first language. No evidence that she has ever actually been to the UK from what I can see.

Her brother is called Ocean. Heh!

Awesome stuff. I watched a bit of the women's skating last night but I don't think I caught her runs. Incredible to see these young girls flowing through a gnarly-looking skate park and pulling off insane moves like it was nothing. Usually, with a big smile on their faces and a high five from their rivals at the end.