The Rejoin EU March

Were any of you sad sacks in attendance this weekend?

Absolute state of the people... cringe doesn't quite cover it.

See leaving the EU feels like it should reduce illegal immigration coming via continental Europe.

 rather like building a big long wall along your southern border. It feels like it would work…

but upon closer inspection neither are actually effective and in the case of the former is actually counterproductive 


Good articles in the Spectator and Telegraph but... "Rejoin campaign"? Don't see anything which could be described as a "campaign." Just a lot of pointless whingeing.

I think some re-engagement with reality is needed here. How on earth is Rejoin the "direction of travel"? I can't even be bothered pasting out Keir Starmer's latest again. 

Sod it, I will.

"I have repeatedly said that there's no case for going back into the EU and that includes the single market and the customs union."

How on earth can a seeming English speaker read that and say "Rejoin is the direction of travel"? It really does remind me of the Black Knight.

GG, enthusiasm for Brexit is at an all-time low. It has trended down more or less consistently for years now, and will in all likelihood continue to do so. That is the direction of travel. Sorry.

He might not be Labour leader forever. Fine. That's hardly the same thing as saying "Rejoin is the direction of travel." You'd need to be in a Remoaner bubble which has lost all contact with reality to make this claim. It's not even Lib Dem policy let alone Lab.

Remember when leaving the EU wasn't conservative policy?

Remember when leaving the single market and customs union wasn't brexiters policy?

Funny how things can change. 

It's a difficult/ tortuous process to change the status quo on something like this. That's why even the Lib Dems aren't going there at the moment.

The courageous Brexit heroes of course achieved it, but it took them decades to do it inch by inch.

You'd need to be in a Remoaner bubble

Ah yes, the Remoaner bubble of 56% of the country.

As of August 2023, 56 percent of people in Great Britain thought that it was wrong to leave the European Union, compared with 32 percent who thought it was the right decision. During this time period, the share of people who regret Brexit has been slightly higher than those who support it, except for some polls in Spring 2021, which showed higher levels of support for Brexit. 

Your take seems to be that...this will just never be expressed politically? Good luck, little buddy.

Calling people "Remoaners" for observing the unpopularity of Brexit in 2023 is really fighting the last war. Congratulations, you won the vote! Bad news, nobody likes the outcome.

Really, and what percentage of that 56% care enough to re-litigate Brexit?

I have just carried out a psychic GG poll and I estimate the answer to be about 1%.

Thing is there’s really no such thing as Rejoin. We don’t go back on 2016 terms. No rebate, no opt out on the Euro, Schengen, the lot. We’d be joining as a new member according to the Copenhagen criteria, and rightly so.

Were a new referendum called on whether or not to return to the EU, 51% of Britons would vote to rejoin, compared to 32% who would vote to stay out (giving a headline vote figure of 61% to 39%).

This is a substantial change from early 2021, at which point Britons were divided 40% against joining the EU and 42% in favour.

Nice poll. Problem is it doesn’t address the reality of joining on different terms than before. Be interesting to see what the figures would look like if it did.

Leaving aside all the other stuff, obviously we wouldn’t be in Schengen and anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of the situation in Northern Ireland would know this 

you seem to be engaged in Project Fear 2.0 tbh

Really, and what percentage of that 56% care enough to re-litigate Brexit?

I have just carried out a psychic GG poll and I estimate the answer to be about 1%.

The truth is that Brexit has now been discredited as an idea. When the time comes, "re-litigating Brexit" will be like pushing on an open door. It will happen.

Nice poll. Problem is it doesn’t address the reality of joining on different terms than before. Be interesting to see what the figures would look like if it did.

Yes, true - Brexiteers did do a lot to destroy the UK's privileged position in the EU, without providing anything meaningful to replace it. Even so.


I'm totally up for opening up the 2016 referendum to litigation if you are dear. Not sure you want that though. Maybe you should use words you understand?

This is like a support group with lots of comforting denial of reality.

To put these polls in context, Remain was polling at over 60% in the first half of 2015. A year before the referendum. The practical use of this turned out to be zero.

The relevance of the above polls is about a hundredth of these (useless) pro Remain polls from 2015.

Nobody is going to touch the tortuous question of re litigating Brexit (this time with the euro? No rebate?) for donkey's years and the polls could say anything at all by then. 

Where's the poll asking "who's up for starting another 10 years of arguments on the same boring subject?" It'll get about 1% support from the most bonkers hundredth of the population, which unfortunately seems to include several on these board. Even the most pro EU politicians around know this perfectly well, and that's why they don't touch it.


RR, I must ask if you've managed to locate a dictionary so you can understand how your latest self-pwn worked.

I am concerned that it doesn't count as a self-pwn if the person stepping on the rake doesn't realise or even understand what they've done.

Heh. Let me help.

Googling the word "figurative" tells me that it means using a word in a way that is different from the usual meaning, in order to create a particular mental picture. For example, "He exploded with rage."

Another example of this would be using the word "litigate" to suggest that an argument resembles a legal dispute in its length and tediousness.

Now, what's the word for someone who tries to comes across as clever by attempting to correct someone else's language, but gets it wrong? Hmm...

Rejoin is like the love that dare not speak its name at the moment (certainly if you're a politician).  Starmer and the LD guy have to keep their true allegiances quiet because of the gammons.  As noted before, Starmer did a reasonable job of playing to the Corbynites until he became Labour leader - he's got form for doing what's politically expedient, then gradually revealing his true colours.  I have very little doubt that if Starmer wins (assuming  Labour fails to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory) the direction he will take will be very much towards BRINO.  There may not be a Rejoin moment with Rejoin supporters waving EU flags and singing Ode to Joy, but we'll end up doing that very British thing of making sure we are close to our nearest and most important trade partner, while diligently pretending that we're not.  



To put these polls in context, Remain was polling at over 60% in the first half of 2015. A year before the referendum. The practical use of this turned out to be zero.

Heh. Mate, that is not the same at all. At that time it was possible to sell some kind of fantasy of Brexit - that's not the case any more. You're the one who is coming off desperate here. I'm not sure why you're so determined to cling to the idea that Brexit is going to survive despite the fact that even the people who voted for it now think it has failed.

It's quite funny/sad that the proponents of Brexit went from "We won! It's going to be great! Get bent, Remoaners!" to "OK, most people agree it was shit, but it was such a nightmare to do it that they don't want to think about it any more" in just a few short years.

@ Chimp people just don't care that much. Any economic downside so far has been a sideshow compared to Covid/ Ukraine/ other factors. Germany is the sick man of Europe, not the UK.

heh - i finally bothered 2 watch those videos

😂 at how brexters take that sort of shit srsly

it’s actually the major problem with brexters. bradders/amithemeatshield here in his “george graham” handle is the perfect case in point. they r just so po faced. h7 2 b wrong, can’t laugh at themselves at all

basically, they’r all shit and weak versions of xi jinping 

heh i love how brexters have suddenly notice that germany has had a quarter of recession and how they consider that gr7 news cos they have finally definitely totally found 1 fact that counts in brexit’s favour so brexit must b grrrrrrrrrr7

it’s like a few weeks ago when the uk went back and upd6ed it’s economic data and we went from the worst per4ming 2 below average and all the tozzas were like “hey we r amazing and brexit is a success!!” without realising it’s only cos no other country bothered 2 go back and fiddle with historic figures

I do find it hard to believe that "Germany is the sick man of Europe" - but even if it's true in some statistical sense, people in the UK don't really believe that they are doing better than Germans. Right now, the national mood is of failure and decline. The dwindling number of Brexit fans might want to blame "other factors", but it's hard to claim that Brexit is helping very much.

germany has had a quarter of recession



Yep Oracle, the updates to the data were important because they showed the "oooh Britain is at the bottom of the class because of Brexit" you'd been chuntering on about to be total bollox.

More importantly, the hit from Covid was probably the equivalent of about 10 Brexits, with the country mortgaging itself to the hilt to cope, and not a single Remoaner batted an eyelid about it.

More importantly, the hit from Covid was probably the equivalent of about 10 Brexits, with the country mortgaging itself to the hilt to cope, and not a single Remoaner batted an eyelid about it.

Look over there!

More importantly, the hit from Covid was probably the equivalent of about 10 Brexits


George Graham26 Sep 23 22:50 ReplyReport

Yep Oracle, the updates to the data were important because they showed the "oooh Britain is at the bottom of the class because of Brexit" you'd been chuntering on about to be total bollox

😂😂 at u totally missing the point of my post and continuing 2 do the fooking stupid thing