Plan A

So it seems that May is announcing Plan A for the third time.  Why let failing twice before stop you doing exactly the same thing again? 

Except thst the EU now seem to be saying, just tell us what you want, whatever you can all agree on we will consider. So it “just” takes Parliament to pass something, anything, and the various amendments will hopefully draw that out.

I think they are saying they wont consider any changes before a Parliamentary vote ( what would be the point), have your vote, agree on s9mething, we’ll consider it. Ofc they might well refuse what we agree on but have to say i ageee with eu we need to have our story straight before talking further, waste of time. They have to convene the MSs to consider stuff, they cant be fannying around trying all different solutions which we then reject.

whichbis why the PM needs to act like one and lead us to a consensus.

The EU have AGAIN said on tv and on the radio that the WA will not be renegotiated, as it was TMPM who negotiated it and got all the concessions she asked for and more . That’s it 

that was in response to minkie.

One thing (of many) that TM is doing that is shockingly bad is focussing on keeping the wretched fvcking tory party together.  Selling us all down the river for those fvckers. 


according to laura K on bbc the eu are saying they wont budge on the WA until uk agrees on something ( and yes they might still not budge but at least will be considered)

Minkie, I really do not think the EU are saying that - they may fart about with the meaningless political declaration but they will not change the withdrawal agreement.