Official Naked Attraction thread

Apart from the voice I wouldn't have guessed Amira is a bloke.

Do the men get told in advance?

Sails I have a friend who is 95% sure he shagged a girl who was formerly a guy. (I promise this isn’t me and he actually tells it in a really funny way)

FT it’s actually pretty hard to tell if they had the op young and are on hormone therapy etc. He said she was talk, fairly broad shouldered for a girl and had quite big hands. He said she also had to use own loob (this is a massively common indicator apparently) and also he said something about her ‘down there’ just didn’t feel right. He said he was pretty drunk and it was a ONS but he’s pretty sure. Either way funny story the way he tells it as noticing a different indicator every hour like ‘oh, weird. Talk’ ‘oh big hands. Weird’ then finally putting them all together after sex and being like ‘woah shit!’

statistically it must be fairly likely these days

Well no, there was a post op trans woman who while not particularly attractive nonetheless had completely working female external bits and no willy.  Who shagged a bloke who might have been bi or maybe just straight and open minded.  

Aye Badders. In fact, 4OD while I was looking for the Bake Off catch up suggested I might like to see c0ck by way of this show afterwards. Don't know how that link was made.