Occasional musings on my foster kid

He was feeling pretty driven at the start of the year (we sat down and did a "kicking the shit out of 2020" plan, which he earnestly repeated to his social worker when asked about his thoughts for the year - "we tend to call that a Pathway Plan") but now he's had his universal credit through (a mighty £251 for the month, having turned 18 last summer and getting by on a bit of cash-in-hand, college bursary and a token travel allowance since then) and he feels RICH. And not so motivated. I've tried to explain that he might get that PER WEEK if he got a 'good' job (i.e. not a dodgy local shop) but he's never had so much money at one time in his life. I also need to persuade him to maybe get some new, smarter, clothes. Not sure that's top of his list.

What are you required to do as a foster parent, outside of providing a place to stay, and presumably food, where the child is 18? Do you have to pay for clothing and other bits and bobs too?

He is super good with money (from living below the poverty line for most of his childhood I think) which is good but also not really the reality in today's world - you can be great at not spending £251 quid but some things are going to cost a lot more than that just for an average living.

He's at college and does some shop work, but it's not minimum wage. He's looked at a couple and been for one interview, which was a huge step for him - but I am conscious he'll never be in this position (token rent, no responsibilities) again and I'd love him to capitalise on it. But then he deserves some free time too and I don't want to kill his passion with life's realities...