My nationalist neighbour is complaining about "London money" coming into the area

London ofc being a dog whistle for English. 

You'd think she'd be delighted at the inevitable influx of Brighton types campaigning for a glorious indyscotland in the EU.

Apparently not.


Tell her she should count her lucky stars, North Sea oil is no longer fashionable or bringing in any money thanks to Greta T, Scotland is a dying economy as a result and English tourist £££ is as good as it gets now. Also tell her she should be less of a racist khunt, particularly against those who pay for her existence.

Soz - is bringing in less money and will decline from now, obv. It's a race to the bottom of the unfashionable market and the Middle East will price us or, sorry, Scotland, out of the market long before Clergs' neighbour wishes the English subsidies were what they are now.

Well, I defer to your better knowledge then, Wellers.

I have three good friends based in Aberdeen and the oil industry who I thought knew what they were talking about. Mebbe they're all wrong.

Not sure Ven oil is a big threat to anyone, there maybe buckets of the stuff but it’s really low grade and the whole infrastructure of the O&G industry is in ruins pretty much like the rest of the country.

Bit of a tangent but if Scotland got independence would it just be a matter of time before the moaning at England/London taking all the money became moaning about Edinburgh taking all the money?

The SNP's really poor record of actually running stuff like health, education, etc in Scotland has been well reported and is truly appalling.

Do people in Scotland not actually care about any of that or recognise how much more fvcking awful it would get without the rest of the UK / England propping them up? It never seems to get mentioned anywhere during all the FREEEDDDDOOOMMMMM stuff.

Why is no one holding Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP to account about it now/*before* independence when apparently they can't get remotely close to running anything competently even when they've still got the money-teat that will be gone when they're independent?

Is it just that they hope to switch from England money-teat to EU money-teat? Can't believe that but they never seem to get called on it.

since there is no working definition of “Scottish”, the floor is open for motivated Englishpersons to get involved in Scotch politics.

Sounds like a good wind up to me, and probably comes with an EU passport in the long term.