Milk bearing boobies

So distracting.

And so .....yummy to the point of becoming severely incapacitating :(

Sorry, I know this is wrong but very difficult to concentrate. 


This thread is severely discriminatory against adjectives.  WTF includes no adjective.  WTAF includes only one.  This is unacceptable.  

I think in this day and age we need to be more careful.  We could find ourselves losing our jobs and possibly our liberty if we continue to discriminate so openly against adjectives.  

I propose  WTAFGBDUF as the new acronym.  

heh at the state of this thread

I was wonderin how long before someone came along with his esoteric pontification about Oedipal complex.

Nothing of that sort. It is simply that pregnancy appears to have added a fair few cup sizes to otherwise regular pair on a lady. And yes it still wrong to notice those. 


I think it's the combination of the words "milk bearing boobies" (like, are you 50 or five?) and "yummy" that is giving people the creeps, Coffers.

Reminds me of this...

Résultats de recherche d'images pour « little britain bitty »

again - I know rofers are blessed with partial comprehension abilities to prove their dubious point but you do take a micky. 


Which bit of "I know it is wrong" and observation about boobs growing a fair few cup sizes did you not understand? Or are you a puritan who believes boobs are to be worshipped? Berk