Ladies - at what age

Would you consider it a bit childish to have sparkly Christmas nails done with different fvcking snowmen on each finger?

I just had a coffee with me mum and honestly think it's a bit much for 71 for christs sakes.

Yeah soooo..... after many failed relationships and my great experience with women I'm guessing, just guessing mind, that I may possibly be in the minority on this one.

This from the man who thinks that he has a right to judge his own mother for wanting to feel a bit of Christmas cheer, all while the long years of her life bear down upon her as she stares into the darkening abyss of mortality.... 



The good news is that according to the latest advanced physics news on the Big Bang front, we are immortal 

Apparently when the present universe diesthere is a new Big Bang when the whole cycle is repeated exactly as before, and we return again.

And then after that another and another, in an everlasting loop ,like Groundhog Day 

The bad news is that whatever state of mind you are in will remain with you for the following aeon, until the next Big Bang

So it is best to die happy and in a state of grace and not a curmudgeon