I don't think I have ever squirmed as much as when watching this



oh my god. Just shut your mouth if this stuff comes out when it's open.  Gah. awful

Parties are broad coalitions members (usually) toe the party line publicly but will speak very differently to friends in private  - yes he should resign rather lie about it but his mate who taped a private conversation is an A grade khunt - there will not be many (in fact there will be no) politicians who would be happy to have their every private utterance about their party and leader made public

I would indeed say the same in respect of any party - he shouldn't lie, he should resign but the person who he was talking to as a mate who taped it and leaked it is a khunt.  Absolutely I would.  To be honest I am not sure why you would find that hard to believe.

"Parties are broad coalitions members (usually) toe the party line publicly but will speak very differently to friends in private  - yes he should resign rather lie about it but his mate who taped a private conversation is an A grade khunt - there will not be many (in fact there will be no) politicians who would be happy to have their every private utterance about their party and leader made public"

It depends though, doesn't it?

1. Most politicians would not be so stupid, in an election as acrimonious as this, to have unguarded conversations with activists for the other side, irrespective of friendship ties. This conversation rather suggests that Mr Ashworth isn't fit to hold office if he is so careless about the views that he expresses TO SOMEONE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE NASTIEST ELECTION IN LIVING MEMORY.

2. One of the areas of concern that Mr Ashworth expresses in the call is over whether Corbyn is a danger to national security. The fact that Mr Ashworth has apparent reservations about this is itself a matter of public interest in favour of disclosure, which is perhaps not so true of the other parts of his call.

3. I might have the slightest scintilla of sympathy if Labour party members had not actively intimidated opponents of Corbyn (Angela Eagle) and MPs complaining about anti-Semitism (Ruth Smeeth, Lucia Berger) while magic grandpa did nothing.



No it doesn’t depend - short of admitting a serious crime - the whole Westminster village relies on condfidential discussions being kept confidential / every single MP will be thinking “there but for the grace of god” -