How Populist are you?

Me = non populist Left Wing. Pretty much the same as Barack Obama 


Non populist right.


You're most similar to:

Angela Merkel

German chancellor

Angela Merkel has been leader of the centre-right, conservative CDU since 2000. She has been praised as a consensus-builder and criticised as a technocrat.


You're least similar to:

Pablo Iglesias

Leader of Podemos, a leftwing Spanish party

Read the main articles on this in the paper this morning.  Very poor effort to deal with what (as the articles themselves argue) is an incredibly important phenomenon.  They take only five lines to deal with the question of defining populism and basically leave it unanswered.  This quiz is more of the same.  The first few questions are very fluffy (what is a "big interest"?) and after that they have nothing to do with populism, however it is defined (pollution? FFS).  Moreover I take issue with the whole premise of the quiz; only political leaders can be populist, not individuals.  

FYI my score was bang on the horizontal line and about an inch to the right. 

I don't really understand what populism means.  I mean, I get what it's supposed to mean, I just don't know what it is, especially when you get different types of populism.  I'm going to say I'm non-populist left, but that's just what I want to think I am so I reckon I'd give answers that drove me to that outcome anyway.  fooking surveys.

You're most similar to:

Pablo Iglesias

Leader of Podemos, a leftwing Spanish party

Iglesias is a founder member of the anti-corruption, anti-austerity Podemos party, which props up the Spanish socialist minority government.


Humm... I’m sort of due west of Barack Obama on the x axis and below Pablo

I was closest to the Mexican (four letters, I forget them now) and furthest from trump.

I wouldn't have thought myself as populist.  I guess it means I'm cynical, given the answers I gave.


I got the Mexican dude too.

@ronald: I ended up more populist than I think I am, and I think the government is keeping secrets from us all. I also used to work for the government.