Hijack (TV series with yer Idris Elba)
Sir Woke XR Re… 20 Jan 24 20:12
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Who saw it and what did you think?

I thought it was reasonably fun, despite a quite remarkable lack of any sense of peril or tension, for a story set almost entirely in a hijacked airliner.

It was okay if you’re being charitable. Plot holes that you could fly a hijacked A380 through. Best review of it that I read said it was 7 episodes of Idris Elba being Idris Elba.

As a resident in Dubai, I think I laughed out loud when I watched the scene where the Emirati air traffic control dude went to check on his colleague (who mysteriously disappeared mid-shift) and walked in on two Brits cleaning the place wearing hazmat style outfits. Brits never clean their own place in Dubai let alone other peoples!!