Have I had the Vuvu? Place your bets here!

Got my testing kit for the Imperial college antibody test.  Put a bit of blood on a test kit and a couple of drops of something else and in ten minutes you know.

Relevant information

1.  I work from home anyway and in lockdown didnt' really go out.

2. I did however help at a food bank and, latterly, I've been a cleaner on a covid ward.

3. If I've had it, I've been asymptomatic.

4. Since lockdown ended I've been in an office regularly and out and about.

5. I've never had the flu or a bad cold, only thing I've had is mild sniffles a couple of times.  I have never had any childhood infectious diseases.  I tend to be quite resistant.

Choice is binary, it's a "to win" bet only... "You've had it" or "You haven't had it"

I'll do the test tonight.



The kits like a pregnancy test, except you use a drop of blood...

I reckon I had equal chance of getting a positive result from either type of test. 

So the answer is.....negative. no short term or long term antibodies in my system.