farridge being “not a fit and proper person” according to tozzas
The Oracle of Delphi 11 Sep 19 23:17
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absolutely damning, coming from the tozzas too

Bet this Tory govt found that gut wrenching to decline Farage’s offer. 

35% will win just about any seat in our FPTP system, and as the only major party actually campaigning on a Brexit manifesto they would fancy racking that up in most constituencies (unless you are one of those who believe that the majority of Leave supporters have seen the error of their silly ways).

The likes of SNP, Labour, Greens and Lib Dem unifying the remain vote is a fantasy (or we’d have a national unity government of some sort), but with Brexit Party offering to stand aside then Cons could have unified the Leave vote to a large extent in most battleground seats.

Those who regard themselves as infinitely superior to any Leave voter might struggle to comprehend this, but the Tories could have won an electoral landslide had they sold what little soul they had left. 

I can understand why they turned it down. Brexit/UKIP are the BNP's better dressed cousins, and aligning with them would, in my view, have hardened opposition and encouraged tactical voting from an "anyone but Brexit" contingent. At the moment the Tories are predicted to have a majority, whereas if they sold out to Farage they would have a majority and be required to take direction from a party with no MPs. 

Farage is way overplaying his hand. All the Leavers in the constituencies where he thinks he can win want is to leave the EU. They don't have a chubby for it being TOTAL BREXIT rather than Brexit with a deal. They don't care. Johnson's strategy is to deliver Brexit himself one way or the other and if he does that, he'll kill the Brexit Party. So there would be some silver lining.

Farage couldn’t care less what people want - he has to constantly shift to the extreme of the debate to keep himself relevant.  He has gone from advocating a Norway style deal to insisting only no deal is proper Brexit.