Do you miss the old mad dash for CPD points of yesteryear
Anonymous (not verified) 17 Oct 18 12:06
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From this time of year, turning up at talks for other departments on topics you've never heard of and will never use etc just to collect points. I even went to one once that was presented by Lydia.


What a colossal waste of time , but do you miss it?

My firm is still enforcing the hours requirement but I quite enough hours months ago. I have been laughing at a colleague frantically booking courses as he's done nothing all year.

I once walked in on a colleague watching a Lyds webinar.  It reminded me of those scenes in Airplane! where everyone Ted Striker tells his sob story to ends up topping themselves in various ways.

CPD points have gone?????!!!!!!! When? How did this happen?  How can the profession possibly keep up to date without going to one day courses on stuff you already know (6 hòurs, 7 if you are lucky) and then several 1 hour lectures on random subjects, adding in a few hours for preparing a lecture you were cajoled into delivering?

Bikes I once went on a week-long seminar to a ski resort. We were supposed to have lectures but in reality they finished by about 10.30am and then everyone went skiing for the rest of the day. In due course a book was produced. I think I had CPD points for that.