Democracy has spoken

This phrase, more than any other, winds me up beyond belief. Chiefly to do with the mouth breathers who come out with it and gormlessly repeat it at every opportunity, like it grants them with some authority for the first time in their lives. 

I'm almost at the point now where I want a no deal so that I can watch it all burn. Like Ronald in Backdraft.  





Had to type this. Feel better now. 

I'm almost at the point now where I want a no deal so that I can watch it all burn. Like Ronald in Backdraft.  


I'm torn between my hatred of Brexit and Brexiters, and my desire to be unequivocally, indisputably proven right. 

mine too Abbs otherwise I will fooking strangle them all

This is what I don't understand - none of the Brexshitters have changed their minds. They just do not care about the wall of shit that is about to hit us all because the 'people' have spoken


I’d like to see Brexit be cancelled just so I can witness the gammons turn into radishes

then I’d like to see the U.K. enter recession so that the radishy gammons turn into tomatoes, blood pouring from their noses and eyeballs at the ragey irony of the economy tanking but no Brexit 

Dux, the kind of people who would genuinely riot if Brexit doesn't happen are the same people who will riot if no deal happens and they can't get their medication and the supermarket shelves clear out and the car factory where they work closed down. They should be disregarded from any assessment of the risks of people rioting versus the risks of Brexit.

Middle class leavers/buffoons like you will not riot. You're too comfortable. 

I hope David Lammy fronts the next Remain campaign. That'll really win people over.

Aren't you worried the campaign will basically be a bunch of sneering metropolitan types telling 17.4m people they got it wrong last time? As Steven Kinnock said last night, it'll be horribly divisive.

Aren't you worried the campaign will basically be a bunch of sneering metropolitan types telling 17.4m people they got it wrong last time?

That won't be the reality but it will be presented that way by a bunch of sneering metropolitan ignorant right wing twots.

Come off it, Dux. Right now you think this is all a jolly lark. If things get ugly you will find an excuse to stay at home and watch the rioting on the news from the comfort of your mock tudor monstrosity in Guildford whilst drinking a nice cup of builder's tea. 

Nobody believes you are going to be out on the streets smashing windows, Dux. You need to stop assuming that other people on here are as stupid as you are, because literally none of us are. 

Ah, the irony of people protesting against Europe by copying an unrelated movement started by the French.

At least wearing a high vis jacket when not doing the kind of job that requires one is a useful and efficient way of marking yourself out to everyone else as the village idiot. 

But I would take to the streets in protest and, if necessary, sabotage government buildings.

1. You won't take to the streets if you think there's any chance of getting caught up in any violence, which is what rioting is. 

2. How do you plan to sabotage government buildings? They're mostly built like Fort Knox and don't even have windows at ground floor level. You'll be like, "Oh noes, you need a pass to get through the revolving doors! This has foiled my cunning plan!" 

How is that ironic? Are we not allowed to emulate our closest ally?

Well no one is stopping anyone from emulating the French, but copying a French movement to protest about the fact that you don't want to be European is pretty stupid. Also, the French don't consider us their closest allies. 

"copying a French movement to protest about the fact that you don't want to be European is pretty stupid"

I must be a thick Brexiteer, so hopefully you can explain. Why on earth can't English anti-EU people be inspired by French anti-EU people?

1. Incorrect.

2. Like I'm gonna tell you. You're an Establishment lackey and would grass me up to the authorities.

1. Come off it. You might wave a placard for a bit and then when things start to get a bit hairy you'll peel off into the nearest Wetherspoons for a glass of Blossom Hill rose. You're a (probably) tubby, posh grinning idiot who has been educated beyond his natural capabilities, not a social justice warrior.

2. There's no chance you'll get inside any government buildings, and you won't be able to do any damage from the outside. (I could actually tell you the most effective way to cause havoc to a government building, having worked in one that regularly attracted protesters, most of them were significantly brighter than you are.) 

Also, don't you have some kind of profession from which you could be struck off? I mean, don't get me wrong, your employer is probably wondering how the hell an idiot like you slipped through the cracks, and would relish the opportunity to lose you without opening themselves up to the possibility of an employment tribunal. But I imagine you have rather more to lose than the average rioter, which is why you will steer well clear. 

I must be a thick Brexiteer, so hopefully you can explain. Why on earth can't English anti-EU people be inspired by French anti-EU people?

The gilets jaunes aren't protesting about the EU, that's why. They're protesting about the cost of living in France. 

Anna you haven't visited Wandsworth Town Hall have you?  It's about as fortified as your average tent.

To be honest I rather like my hi-vis collection and now wear it when doing anything where I fancy being seen clearly.

That doesn't make it ironic. It just makes it random

The word you're looking for is "stupid". It makes it stupid. 

You're a mediocre Establishment stooge. Get over yourself.

How can I be establishment when I loathe everyone in government? Do you think about anything you say before you say it?

Also, mediocre? Heh. Coming from someone who manages to be less than mediocre despite being enormously privileged.

Anna you haven't visited Wandsworth Town Hall have you?

I doubt that's the kind of government building Dux had in mind. 

The Establishment, as commonly defined, is that influential class of individuals whose raison d'etre is to protect the comfortable status quo: the Civil Service, the BBC, the CBI, the Bank of England, Oxbridge, the EU itself.

What Queenie said.

Dux claims to be anti-establishment out of a sense of inferiority, I think. Despite having had all the opportunities and advantages that the children of "the establishment" typically have, his brain still isn't capable of any thought processes more refined than those of a working class person of below average intelligence who left school at 14 to do an unskilled job after a deprived childhood. 

Proof indeed that you can't entirely polish a turd (although you can roll it in glitter, otherwise he wouldn't be where he is today).

"a working class person of below average intelligence who left school at 14 to do an unskilled job after a deprived childhood."

basically, my dad. Who is a Farage fanboi Brexshitter.

The current mess could be stopped by a sensible PM compromising on her deal, or Parliament voting for the deal on offer. Neither will happen. We'll then pit the people against each other in a second divisive campaign. That's what's so rotten about the whole thing.