Burping babies

By far the most frustrating thing about newborns and my most lacking parental skill. 

I disagree clubbers.  I found the best method was to have baby on shoulder and rub its back whilst jiggling to soft metal hairspray rock (acca dacca, jovi, gnr etc).  The second time you do this you drape a teatowel over the ahoulder to avoid vomback

Agree it’s v annoying. The good news is that a properly latched breastfed baby needs v little winding. So once he/she is big enough to get a good latch, you’re good to go. 

this never works 

they may burp, but if they do it’s entirely coincidental to any efforts you may have made, and it never shuts them up anyway

what you need (although not for raw newborns) is gripe water