The boiled egg diet

I have just heard someone in my office telling a colleague about this. It is exactly what you imagine it to be. You eat boiled eggs instead of other food. You aren’t allowed bread. 

Her husband(!) lost 7lb in a week apparently. Presumably the weigh ins are conducted immediately after your weekly bowel movement. 

It would be a full two hour, danger to shipping, just popping down the shops for a bit love occasion when you saw your other half determinedly making their way to the bathroom with a bucket of water in one hand and a hardback in the other

there are only 75 calories in an egg - this is just a calorie restricted diet (assuming you are not eating 30 plus a day).  You will lose weight restricting calories and you will lose it quickly with extreme restricted calories but you are probably better off balancing what you do eat rather than consuming all your reduced calories in egg form.

(also most of the loss in the first week of an extreme diet will be water loss, the rate of loss will slow dramatically after that - unless you are mega-obese you cannot lose more than 3 or 4 lbs a week in fat even with an extreme diet

Even if one liked boiled eggs, it would be impossible to consume them and only them for more than 24 hours.   The diet must involve eating veg as well or no-one would ever do it. 

Eggs are a good source of protein, of course.  Eating only lean protein and salad/veg for a week and cutting out the booze is a good way to kick-start a diet.

If you eat a banana for breakfast and lean protein plus raw or steamed vegetables for lunch and dinner and drink nothing but water or black coffee you will lose weight very quickly. You might die of boredom though.

That said, eggs can definitely promote weigjt losss. A boiled egg or poached for breafast together with fruit and slice toast v good and no snacking before lunch.

or two poached eggs on toast for supper together with say baked beans, all good ( we had that last night).

thanks to ROF for my first proper ROF LOL moment of the new year on this thread. Fortunately the two women next to me in this coffee shop are immersed in a management coaching discussion about holding subordinates accountable. 

Strange but if I eat nothing for breakfast I can happily last until lunchtime without eating.  If I have breakfast it seems to wake my body up and then have the urge to snack all morning.

Guy, you can in fact if you are disciplined lose 10 Ibs in a week , and even a stone although the science as it currently exists doesn't really recommend the latter.


All these fancy/fad dirts crack me up, someone must be making gizzilions.

Heres my diet in which you are guranteed to lose wait quickly and overtime:

1) Regular brisk excersise 3/4 times a week at  least for an hour at least each time. Even if its a 2 mile jog or 1 hour on the rowing machine. EVERYONE has time to do this.

2) Smaller portions of food

3) No Snacking

4) Reduce /minimise, carbs, processsed food, sugar, alchohol 

5) Replace meat with mostly fish

6) Only steamed and boiled vegetables, and plenty of them, they will fill you up no end. Fine to drop a small knob of butter or olive oil over them as a thin coating


These are hardly onerous inputs, and the weight will fall off, even those who are just seeking to shed a few pounds. Basically "my diet" is the one advocated by all medical professions, athletes, and physicians , and has worked for centuries.

Try it folks.

I am going to try the hardbiled egg diet, but only for dinner

ie eat as usual, but only two soft boiled eggs for dinner with one toast (and combined with 3x week exeerciese)

I have just heard someone in my office telling a colleague about this. It is exactly what you imagine it to be. You eat boiled eggs instead of other food. You aren’t allowed bread. 

DDK - ok, so you are doing the hardboiled egg diet by eating anything you like except for dinner when you will have soft-boiled eggs with toast?


"Guy, you can in fact if you are disciplined lose 10 Ibs in a week , and even a stone although the science as it currently exists doesn't really recommend the latter"

3500 calorie energy deficit equals one pound of fat loss  so even if you ate nothing and did say an hours vigorous exercise a day each you will not lose more than 7 pounds in a week (although many people lose this is the first week of an extreme diet because of water loss).   In reality you cannot realistically lose more than 3 or 4 pounds a week of fat unless you are morbidly obese or run marathons while starving yourself.


Oh you can have "fun" with weight loss. My boy Ross did an excellent demonstration of that a few years ago:…

I know youse are all experts here but I'll lob in a gratuitous plug for his quite excellent book here:…

Judy: for the love of god please dont try copying Ross. I just know you are taking notes of the mail with frantic delight...