being an adult is awesome

you can do whatever you want, more or less

want to eat a giant doughnut right now?

fcking do it

want a big glass of wine with lunch?

well you might feel a bit tired afterwards but whatever, it's Friday

want to do a job that interests you and sack off everything that doesn't (including housework and tedes)?




Yeah all great until you have kids and then you either vicariously or personally have all the drawbacks of childhood and nobody buying you ice cream and ferrying you to football

The very definition of being an adult is that you have these choices, and yet you still choose to be an adult.

That’s the litmus test. 

If you’re presented with the options and you opt to stay in your pyjamas drinking margaritas, you are not an adult.


I definitely think you can be an adult and drink cocktails in your pyjamas in fact it’s the very definition of adult because you want to get pissed but have already taken your bra off so no way you’re going out again.

Tbf Gwen, you have been carrying other people for years and have been weighed down by that. I absolutely appreciate that being in that position can be unyielding. Big hugs, my love. I think you’re so effing incredible. xxxx 

Friday night is traditionally a good night for Rabbis OB. That is not a widely known fact.

When you see them happy in Synagogue on Saturday it has more to do with Friday night activity than the haftorah, sermon and kiddush put together. IMHO of course. 

Prosecco, pyjamas and tooth pari here as soon as I get in assuming I survive (am currently near where the mystery husky ate the disabled man's nose a couple of weeks ago and it still hasn't been found)