Bank Of Englands Intervention

It is now going to buy up huge swathes of Government debt to shore up prices, to prevent a material risk to UK financial stability. They didn't even do that in the GFC

Hang on purchases will be "fully indemnified by the Treasury".   Can anyone explain how the government buying its own bonds (which they will presumably have to borrow to fund) helps.

Totally confused.

This is nothing to do with FX reserves. These are sterling denominated gilts they are buying and so it is more QE. I think they are just reminding the hedge funds shorting the sh1t out of UK gilts that they can still hurt them.  There will be some squealing in Mayfair today I suspect as some get caught with their pants down.

It's not so much pyramid scheme-y as Mugabe-y but they had to do something and the government has backed them into a really sh1tty corner with their political stunts. 

How can you really hurt them when your "weapon" is debasing the value of the asset you are trying to prop up? I'll buy these gilts off you with printed money that's going to be worth X% less next week due to the printing. If people are immediately converting the proceeds of this intervention into another currency they are devaluing the £. This is exactly what I would be doing - oh look, there's a mug in the market. offload everything on them and get the money into hard currency ASAP. Draghi had the benefit of Germany's credit rating and the entire eurozone's cash to pull this off, and the Fed has a currency people will buy for the foreseeable. 

They needed to do a 2-3% immediate rate rise with a whatever it takes message. Now speculators think either the govt has leant on them not to, or they haven't got the guts to do it. 

This is adding further to the basket case narrative. 

@banana a 2/3% immediate rise in IR would cause the housing market and the attendant verticals to freeze overnight, it would be a blood bath. The public understand IR, house prices, and mortgage payments.

They don't understand this stuff nor do they care, thats why IR rates wont rise in the way you suggest, the public will be outraged, and LTPM won't allow that. Political suicide.

Kwarsi and his latest statement , post meeting CEOs of Investment Banks, Blackrock, Blackstone et al. " The government is committed to fiscal discipline, bla bla" err what. He's going to double down now isn't he?