The UK is a nation of maskwankers

Sir Humphrey - it could be because that allowed individuals to be anti-social (in their comfort zone) under the excuse of covid rules. It was a convenient rule, mind you. 

Labour voters, women and older people are more likely to support reintroducing restrictions according to the poll

No surprise really. Public sector workers, the economically inactive and people who have no social life and don’t use affected venues support measures.

Becayse this poll is about what the people questioned want *other* people to do with their bodies 

if other people want to stay indoors with no more than 6 people and wear a mask everywhere they go they can. I object to them being in favour of forcing others to do the same tho. 

It’s just an inevitable after effect of an 18 month government scare campaign coupled with people forgetting what normal looks like - this percentage will fall over time

"Why does it bother you so much what other people choose to do with their bodies?"

Isn't this literally the opposite of this poll, which wants to impose restrictions on other people? No one is stopped from following any of the lockdown rules from now until eternity if they so choose.

It's not a lack of a sense of humour. It's just the pointless and entirely predictable hounding of chosen targets over the slightest misstep, regardless of the numerous dumb ass things you lot say. It's very transparent 

The actual site suggests it is a % of people who want restrictions reinstated and who think restrictions have been lifted too soon. I wonder if the data was extrapolated ONLY from those who think restrictions were lifted too soon.

As always, there might be more nuance behind these figures than twitter would have you believe.

I’m betting this poll is manipulated just like that one from a few weeks ago that showed ridiculous levels of support for permanent restrictions, permanent nightclub closures etc. When they redid that poll with the same questions but more neutral language, they found support for restrictions crashed - to like a third or quarter what the original Poll showed. 
Sir Humphrey showed how this stuff worked 40 Years ago. 

There does seem to be a bias in the media - conscious or not - towards presenting views from people who want lots of restrictions. 

I read this article about the US earlier because my wife is off there

And the three voices they have chosen as presumably representative are quite striking. The first one in particular is the most extraordinarily selfish bedwetter, you couldn't invent him if you tried.

Anyway most peoples' views on things tend to be to repeat the last persuasive thing they heard.

Given that the media seem to amplify anybody who is panicking and give little airtime to anybody who wants to get on with things unless they are a senior politician (and then only to report that they are being criticised) it's hardly surprising that lots of people are scared.

And the three voices they have chosen as presumably representative are quite striking. The first one in particular is the most extraordinarily selfish bedwetter, you couldn't invent him if you tried.

There are 4 voices and the first one is a woman not a man. Her bed is very wet. She is also a vax refuser.

The 4th one is basically a team saner so perhaps that is why you missed him in your attempt to find bias? Best bit of his tough guy speech - In one word - I am exhausted by this pandemic. And I'll throw in angry and indignant, too. That is more than one word bro!

The middle two are perfectly normal people with well adjusted views on Covid.

The article is quite balanced.