Veg garden getting more attention than usual

Got the broad bean seedlings in yesterday. They are at about 6 inches now and the frosts seem to have gone for now so I took a risk and put in a lot more of the seedlings and fingers crossed they harden up before any cold high pressure conditions. 

One of the beds has courgettes and will get the tomatoes in between the broad beans and the courgettes when the seedlings grow up a bit. They are in the warmth indoors (san Marzano in particular need to be large and hardy before going out, whereas the big beefsteak seems more acclimatized to mild springs).  Probably toms will go in around mid April to late depending on weather along with the basil (which keeps the white fly off the tomato fruit).

Then in the other bed we have cav nero and cabbage for autumn, lettuce seedlings, onions, carrots, all of which I will need to split and space out later on. There is room for two autumn/winter crops to be sown mid summer - purple sprouting broccoli and forced chicory.  I love pale, crunchy and bitter chicory in the autumn with some walnuts, crumbled stilton, some thyme and a decent vinaigrette. A few smoked lardons fried to a crisp goes well with it too.  It is the most beautiful salad and is really welcome in the autumn months when crispy salad veg are hard to come in the garden (though not if airfreighted into Waitrose, I concede, but the same applies to all of the above, but what price zero carbon miles and entirely biodiverse non-chem cultivation?).

I have room for other stuff. Last year I produced way too much spinach. It's easy - just hurl the seeds in and wait, then cut and grow. But by August I was the only one eating it.  Any suggestions of something interesting that people will eat?


Mutts, don't take this the wrong way, but while I like your posts generally, the bucolic musings particularly, and even find the bees posts mildly diverting, this is basically just the veg bit of my shopping list separated by verbs, adjectives and the odd preposition. 

I am going to have to give it a C+ I am afraid.

I don't think mutters is growing the type of herbs on your shopping list Blackie brah.

Not til he hooks up the ground source heat pump to the hydroponics greenhouse.

Try rainbow chard.  I assume you didn't mention beans out of neglect, not because you're not growing them.

One of the golden retrievers ate the overwintering broad beans (Aquadulce, I know you were asking).  But that one will eat anything.   I was unamused.

Apart from in the opening sentence

otherwise no I didn’t mention beans 


That is, save for the first sentence of the second paragraph in addition to the above. 

Apart from that you’re right