
Some growing evidence of lipid pneumonia being an increasing ailment for vapers. And it can be a terminal one.  Glycerin is the big residue in vaping fluids and it lurks in the lung and you crackle and cough to death. As well as looking like a bitty-fixated tool bag. 

Not sure we have a clear causation case yet but to the casual observer it seems nonsense to say vaping is a pure, problem free activity. These huge clouds of junk that they inhale and exhale into your face. Has to be worse than a lungful of fresh air  - common sense, surely.

The US, being a very litigious society, is unearthing a large body of unwell vapers. Products are being banned. Yes I t is better than tobacco but still not as good as not filling your respiratory system with junk. if you are giving up cigarettes then it is a lesser bad. But I think the vaping manufacturers are working at getting the Non smoking yoof onto vaping. Unforgivable. 


I have quite a lot of information on this topic mutters.

If we are going to put aside the fact that obviously I’m bonkers and nothing i say is real, I have in fact given evidence to the European council as a guest of my MEP.  You’re quite right, basically.

However the gateway concepts were flawed when they were first created.  The main issue we have is unrelated to traditional vaping substances because, well, why would kids be interested in that?  Answer is that they aren’t.

The gateway that none of us at the time actually realised was CBD/THC delivery platforms and that is what is attractive to kids, and it is that mechanism that we need to figure out a method of preventing.

Vaping is many times less dangerous than smoking.  Smoking doesn’t just hurt you from a respiratory angle but it quite literally strangles your heart by preventing oxygen from being delivered by your cardiovascular system.  Vaping doesn’t do that.

But I agree that we now need to take a better look at it, but that does not mean ban it.  It means, take a good look at it.

Many of the problems in the US seem to be down to people vaping unlicensed liquids some of which are cannabis based so a complete ban seems a strange way of trying to solve people using what are already illegal substances.

I switched from tobacco (27 years) to vape without nicotine. 5 months now. Vaping helped me shitloads. The less I crave nicotine the less I want to inhale, actually only with drink really on the weekends

DD what are you sucking down if it's not got nicotine in?  Friend of mine has taken up vaping and is taking in far more nicotine than he ever used to as he now just sits there sucking on his vape constantly in the pub.  At least when he smoked he'd pause between cigarettes and in the winter being forced inside meant he also couldn't smoke.

Utter bollocks I’m afraid sails.

You can vape constantly using a 19mg liquid all day and you will be taking in less nicotine than you would with a single cigarette.

Also have to point out that other than a minor bit of vascularisation nicotine itself isn’t actually particularly harmful.  Anyone who has two cups of coffee a day does more harm to themselves than someone using a vape device.

There is there is more nicotine (and I’m not kidding here, look it up) in an aubergine than there is in a constant day of vaping.

Hey I don’t vape or smoke anymore.  Vaping helped me give up the fags after twenty odd years, so for some people like me, and you, it has really helped.

Ido not wish to see it demonised, that’s all.  It’s about harm reduction, not harm elimination and whilst smoking remains (wrongfully IMO) legal, we certainly can’t ban vaping.

you would have to be mental to sell this stuff in the US.  Look at the damages J&J just got slapped with for selling licensed and clinically tested anti pshycs.

I worked on an asbestos case years ago - there were hundreds of moody ambulance chasing lawyers with their moody doctors basically scouring the country in motor home come pleural plaque testing centres.  Tbf asbestosis is no laughing matter and nor is mesothelioma but my point is that class actions are a huge huge huge business.  Bigger than tecco's shoulders or HGR's self regard.

Sails please stop. I really like you as a poster and I don’t want you to make yourself look like a berk.  A “Juul” is not a particularly strong delivery mechanism for vaping.  They say things like super strong or whatever but in the grand scheme of things, that really is just marketing I’m afraid.

it would be like someone saying “the fastest, most powerful robin reliant ever made” to put it into perspective.

you seem to know a shitload, Tecco. MOre than a bit nerdy. It's those headphones and all that gaming and vaping. It's turning you strange.


oh, wait, you already were. ;-)

The point is: it looks really cool. Anything else is a footnote.

However, for it to look really, really cool, you have to have a beard, long hair, and be sitting on a rock in the middle of exmoor, exhaling a cloud the size of an industrial-revolution era factory in Derby.

Chicks dig that shit.

The point is: it looks really cool. Anything else is a footnote.

However, for it to look really, really cool, you have to have a beard, long hair, and be sitting on a rock in the middle of exmoor, exhaling a cloud the size of an industrial-revolution era factory in Derby.

Chicks dig that shit.

Also, speaking as an ExVaper, I had a proud moment outside Euston. You know that area right outside the doors, where everyone congregates? One morning, I was having a few lungfuls of my favourite juice (Ruthless juice, Easy Does it On Ice. Like a menthol watermelon. God it was lovely). One of those properly sour faced young ladies stated all the spluttering and asked if I could move away, in her best "offended remainer" voice.

She was PROPERLY triggered when my response was a smile, and a chipry "No problem, luv".

Anyway, since then, Mrs Shooty found out about my vaping habit and I had to stop. Therein lies a whole other story.

Heh mutters I’m actually at this awful point where as a hacker back in the early 90s I genuinely do not quite know how to link a video URL in text form from my new iPad to my favourite forum.  Oh dear.

As a hacker back in the 90s90s


Sorry Tecco sun but am looking so hard my arse literally just fell off and is floating down the Mole like the world's most honed Man o war

Friends of mine who Vape , seem to do little else but Vape , they are constantly attached to it . The irony is they are more addicted to nicotine than they were when smoking. Especially as they surreptitiously do it in pubs , and now don’t bother to go outside at home , whereas with smoking they would .

grandpa has told me no end of times when smoking was considered good for you . Will the same outcome be the same with Vaping ina few years once there has been proper testing on an empirical basis ?

Best just to give up all together. 

In the early 90s the term ‘hacker’ wasn’t what it is now. This was pre www.  People who could write code who came out of uni as graduates in computer science were hired by organisations like Hitachi Data Systems and its predecessors and competitors (IBM etc) to test their security programming. Test test test. Dark room. Teams of sweaty sociophobes. No need to remove the black t-shirt. Rave on!

Anti-vaping propaganda has to be in the interests of the tobacco companies, no?

Don't know about the UK but in my manor, all manner of flavours of clicky fags are available.  Bubblegum flavour is obviously aimed at attracting the kids.  Do they have this in the UK nowadays?

Carver: Since you asked so nicely.

2 years ago, we had our Round Table AGM where I was made Chairman. We have a tradition where our sister organisation, Ladies Circle, come in and sing a song about the chairman. 

Ladies circle had reached out to Mrs Shooty, who had agreed to take part. I did not know this.

One of the circles was married to a Tabler, so asked her husband "we're doing the lyrics for Shooty. What can you tell us about him?" "well... he vapes."

Can you see where this is going now?

So, on the evening of the AGM, mrs Shooty meets the circles, who had her the lyrics. Me being a massive swifty, they have rewritten "Shake It Off", with teh chorusing being "[name]'s just gonna vape, vape, vape, vape, vape".

"What's this?" Says mrs Shooty. "shooty doesn't vape".

"Oh yes he does".


30 mins later, in the ladies barge, gather around me and start singing. As soon as they got to the chorus, and I heard that, despite being half cut, the penny dropped. I had to maintain a total poker face despite the fact that I knew a serious bollocking was imminent.

When they had finished, I took the ladies into teh bar, as is traditional, to buy them some fizz. mrs Shooty holds my hand. Tightly. 

"We'll discuss this later".

And I haven't vaped since.

I am, however, still talking to the utter penis who blabbed to his wife.