Delivery h8

Rage wid meh.

1) Ordered new gaming headset from amazon, woke up at 7am which I had forgotten was a time until recently, purely to make sure the fooker didn’t miss me.  At 12:30 I investigate the front door and there’s a note saying he left it st the bar next door due to no answer!?

So I had to trek next door and sheepishly request my delivery.  But why tho????

2) Ordered some random flowers for my mum, you know just because.  Phone call saying she wasn’t in when they called.  I checked, she has been in all day.  WHY????

The lazy feckers don't bother to knock. Just dump the kit somewhere and drop a pre-written note through the door. It's the modern way. If I ran Amazon, I'd introduce proper uniforms and a bit of old-world courtesy.

So many elements of this that require immediate resolution through fire but I will pick two

Ordered new gaming headset. The fook?

there's a bar next door

-  The people in the bar are horrified by you as their customers in the beer garden have to listen to the special needs sexathons. The Amazon delivery left it there so you had to confront your shame.  




NHang on look a second.  My mum never had me sectioned.

Ive been sectioned twice, it’s not as easy thing to accomplish and in both cases it was done by the police.

My mum asked the LA to find a way to secure me from wasting whatever small amount of money I have.  She had my best interests at heart but neither she nor the LA understand about wherein my (meagre by Rof standards) wealth resides.

I got her this but pink instead of peach.  Not a big deal difference IMO.;category_id=4&cid=ppc%7Csen:Google%7Cscr:NonBrand%7Cmed:Shopping%7Ccam:Shopping%7Cseg:A73161MS&fo_c=2075&fo_k=8da69c74ba26c6f1fd36516ef1cd7533&fo_s=gplauk&&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz8bsBRC6ARIsAEyNnvo1jw1xxAdOJ9neSh5SqJhMwtQMZYu5nwlsc_B7qftba04Vycnmj34aAm4BEALw_wcB

I don't know what is the most tragic thing here: feeling hate and rage by having to go next door to pick up a parcel; an adult playing computer programmes; or posting online about it

great stuff guys

Yeah because no adults ever play computer games.

You fooking nutter, you realise that most of the best games have an 18+ certificate?

in GTAV (this will annoy the coven no end) you can not only pick up a hooker, you can have sex with her in your car from different angles, and then when you have paid her and she leaves your car you can run her over to kill her and take your money back.

This game, btw, is the best selling entertainment product of all time - vastly surpassing any tv or film or whatever.  It sold over 90million copies and generated roughly 6billion USD. 

So im not talking about some niche dark section of the internet here.

There is no patio in the towers, I am actually prohibited from putting it down - planning law rather than anything else.  I do have a couple of wood decking superstructures though. xx

Back on topic the issue is that they have so many parcels to deliver in a day that they don't have time to risk knocking on the door and finding you're a lonely old person who wants to talk for hours and invite them in for a cup of tea.  Much more efficient to dump the parcel and run.

Actually I should probably go visit the towers this week and make sure all is ok.  It’s been ages and I’ve promised an imaginary friend he can have his imaginary engagement party there on Friday.  Oops. 

"She had my best interests at heart but neither she nor the LA understand about wherein my (meagre by Rof standards) wealth resides."

if the court of protection is genuinely involved they will make it their business to find out.  It's nothing to do with the local authority 


Yeah well good luck with that.  Anyway I have appeals although those are being stalled by various masters having to refuse themselves.

But I’ll get there, I’ve got my evidence to say that while I have mental health issues and would be considered to be by many an eccentric there is no evidence of my having made major decisions which were contrary to my best interests.

"in GTAV (this will annoy the coven no end) you can not only pick up a hooker, you can have sex with her in your car from different angles,"


do you have an imaginary protractor too? "Right, get on your knees. I see you prefer the acute rather than the obtuse. How very equilateral of you.  Mmm check out my hypotenuse. Did you know the square of my length equals the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides? You're about to find out. Let me show you, and I want you to moan while I measure"...



 "while I have mental health issues" uh-huh

"and would be considered to be by many an eccentric" in the community of those who have difficulties with words like "offender"

"There is no evidence of my having made major decisions which were contrary to my best interests".  Hmm. gotta stop you there .

Image result for red button gif

"in GTAV (this will annoy the coven no end) you can not only pick up a hooker, you can have sex with her in your car from different angles,"

actually you can't, it's a computer game


Linda, I’m not particularly well connected but I did work in a department which is adjacent to ... oh ffs who cares.  Whatevs dude. 

Ask one of the coven as to which areas of the GLS I worked in and you’ll get your answer.


unless you get fired, then cause an almighty catastrophic litigation meltdown threat around being someone they should owe an enhanced duty of care to, have a WP discussion and agree an orderly exit by way of compromise.

Fella, how are your imaginary Cornish Pirates rugby mates these days?

You know, the ones you have manly drinks with in Kernow, whilst they are actually away playing a game in Bedford?

Interestingly, the GTA games have generated in total around $9b.  The Pokémon games have generated around $17b. The entire pokemon franchise (toys, film, games, cards etc) has generated around $95b, and is the most successful entertainment franchise of all time. Even more so than Star Wars, Harry Potter and Mickey Mouse.

Second place I hear you ask - Hello Kitty (approx. $80b)

Thanks Brexit :(

Possibly a small humblebrag Dux, but I have it on good authority that at least three of them are, yes. As is, interestingly enough, John Matrix from Commando. Mark Lester is an old friend and IKF pupil. The story is loosely based on my life.