Wearing security passes openly

Really don't understand people who stroll around town with their full name and place of work openly visible to anyone around them.  I've had enough trouble with identity theft and stalkers without giving people the ability to easily track me down.

Yes people who read your name and place or work will be able to steal your identity and all of your bases are belong to them. 

How do some people function in real life? 


PP I'm pretty sure the chap wearing his round his neck this morning on the Tube heading to his place of work hadn't forgotten he had it on.

I know it's not enough information to steal an identity but it's a good starting point.  I think most of the problems I've had are down to Companies House making my date of birth, full name and home address a matter of public record.

Mine say "MI6 - Licensed to Kill" on it, so totes embarrassing when I get spotted wearing it out of the building (there I was, standing over the sleeping president of Paraguay, fork in hand, ready to dispatch him when his mistress awoke and clearly read it - lesson learnt).

Imagine how disappointed you would be if you went to all the trouble of thieving someone's identity, only to find that you were now passing yourself off as a cross between John Major and Mr Bean...

Zero in the last year I've had four bank accounts opened in my name.

The stalking tale is too long to type this afternoon but involves a lady who introduced herself to me on the Tube then turned up working in my office a few months later before then spending much of her time waiting outside my office to corner me and speak to me.

Showing off, perhaps.

...In the same way when I recently saw a bloke at a bus stop on Theobald's Road at about 20:00 hrs still wearing wing-collar and bands. Overdoing it a bit. Bad taste, like wearing one's old school tie.

My work security pass is clipped to my belt for the entire day from the moment I leave the house until the moment I return. However it doesn’t have my name or any details of my employer on it.

Even better are those who get around with the lanyard on display*, but the pass discretely concealed in their top pocket.  

Cause, you know, they're someone important enough to need a pass, but they don't want to show it off or anything.  

* Typically emblazoned with the name of a government department or the coat of arms, just so you know they're doing important government business - not that they like to talk about it or anything.


All else aside, brandishing a  lanyard is a useful way to distinguish professional from support staff. 

Do they not give support staff lanyards at your place?  Bit weird.  I never used them anyway, preferred the clip with stretchy cord thing that you use to go through doors and whatnot.