Latest You Gov Poll on EU elections

Brexit: 34%

Labour: 16%

Lib Dem: 15%

Green: 11%

Others: 24%

Thats right. According to Anna, several million people signed a petition about something which means that the country actually wants to remain. I think you need to verify your stats, dux

I’m not sure the majority of the country does. We shall see when we do this confirmatory vote but I suspect leave may very well have gone up.  Morons.  But hey ho, won’t have any effect on me to speak of.

Confirmatory vote is a better way of putting it, IMO.

"The will of the people" = people who didn't vote leave are not people.

"People's Vote" = people who still want to leave are not people. (To be fair, they have the IQ of plankton)

Confirmatory vote = are you really sure you want to do this, despite all the evidence that it is a fooking terrible idea?

Thing is, this can be argued back and forth as long as we want but it’s essentially pointless so please stop it.

No matter who does best as MEPs they do not get into our parliament so we are left with the absurd predicament of being back where we were in the one place that matters.

I think there should be a confirmatory vote with either (deal as it stands) (WTO) (Remain) as options.  Labour seem to be pushing for that half heartedly, even some conservatives want that and change, the greens, plaid, the snp and the Lib Dem’s all want that. 

Probably not in the same way, given that Labour is a fairly broad church with lots of beliefs and policies which have nothing to do with anti-semitism, whereas the Brexit party is basically just the Nigel Farage party.

But since I hate Corbyn and have never voted Labour, I don't have a lot of skin in this game.

I think the Brexit party will do well.

a surprising number of otherwise sensible and intelligent tories that I know WHO VOTED REMAIN are voting for farage to give the tories a kicking for their handling of Brexit.





I think the logic goes, they're pissed off with government handling of stuff, want to kick it, but can't bring themselves to vote for any of the socialist parties/their fellow travellers.

Why is that?


Because they are bunch of utter aunts (e.g. chukka is total cock) who have formed a crappy little club which will diver votes from parties that might do what they claim to want. 



a surprising number of otherwise sensible and intelligent tories that I know WHO VOTED REMAIN are voting for farage to give the tories a kicking for their handling of Brexit.

This is completely incompatible with being intelligent, tbh.

Because they are bunch of utter aunts (e.g. chukka is total cock) who have formed a crappy little club which will diver votes from parties that might do what they claim to want. 

If you lined up all MPs in order of who is the auntiest aunt, Chukka wouldn't even make it into the top 70%.

But I will probably vote Lib Dem because Vince Cable pointed out that if the remain parties actually want to get anywhere in these elections then they need to work together rather than splitting the vote, and the TIGgers ignored him, which is irritating. He is right.

Also, their branding is spectacularly shit. "Change UK", ffs.

The branding of ‘Change UK’ is especially dire when their primary tenet of faith is err... not to change our relationship with Europe.

Could have thought that one through a bit better even tho I understand what they were getting at, it’s clumsy.