78 criminal counts - one for each year of his life

And one for his nob

As they say in cribbage.

Why has this taken so long?

Am assuming this won’t make it to trial before the election, but if it does move on a faster timetable, you can imagine the mobs outside the court and the pressure on the jurors. 

@Laz - Apparently a felony conviction isn’t a bar to being president. The impeachment could have done that, but not the current proceedings.

Also, it’s not like the Republican Party would suddenly grow a backbone and stop him from running as their candidate.

Certainly in the latter period royalty, the Tory management of the economy has been fairly poor, particularly with regard to what was done during Covid. 

Another mistake by threepwood, who appears to think I defend the Tory position.  

re trump, he would surely have to go to

prison if found guilty of these charges. 

Another mistake by threepwood, who appears to think I defend the Tory position. 

Do you read your own posts or do the words just spill out onto the page like a latter day David Horowitz?

You are a lot like trump 

False accusations left right and centre 

Never a shred of evidence 

Lies lies and more lies 

That's before we get into anything else that trump does - racism, sexism, rape jokes etc etc 

America, the country whose citizens never tire of telling you that it is 'the leader of the free world' and has 'the best constitution', is in great danger of having someone elected who will be President from behind bars.

I that settles once and for all the idea that a written constitution - because it is written - is better than other constitutions.

@ Donny: Trump doesn't need to 'run', as long as he's not prevented in some way, he will be the Republican candidate and they will vote for him even if he's in Leavenworth.