Brides confessing sexual sins at wedding

Brides are being encouraged by certain churches  to confess their past sexual activities to the congregation as part of the wedding ceremony to 'wipe the slate clean' 

Is this a new thing?

What Tom said. 

Just another attempt by churches, in a very long history of similar action,  to use shame and public vilification and humiliation as a tool to control and disempower women.

If this is part of the wedding ceremony then get rid of the double standard and make the  groom also  'confess.' 

Including every single time he bashed the bishop and killed millions of his potential  spawn by blowing them into a sock. 




I hope not otherwise it’s going to be a verrry long service...

...not that there is any chance I’ll be inside a church. The crypt would open up and take me before I got two steps.

And what Blindtom and Scylla said...

I reckon at most weddings at least one or two people in the congregation have boffed the bride.  Or the groom.  Or both.  In younger, happier, drunker days of course...