Descibe the unknown roffers

You've not met them, but you chat to them quite regularly. The unknown and unmet Roffers. What do they look like in your head?

I have a terrible memory for people so if I do post on this thread it is almost inevitable that the person I select is going to call me a complete khunt and tell me we’ve met on at least 5 separate occasions and may even have slept together 

Another very under rated actor.  But I can't imagine you as being better looking, I mean he was voted as one of the best looking men in the world mate!  Used to earn over a million dollars a film and that was in the sixties!

Tecco, it's not for nothing that the ladies at the bar swoon the moment the big saloon doors of the Drummond swing open to reveal Chambo and his winning smile.

It's said that he's the reason management had to install wipe-clean vinyl tools in the ladies' bar.

that stuffed shirt fellow appears to be sitting next to a display cabinet containing a collection of rags. Welcome to the rag museum, with me, Sir Furywhelk Cholmondley-Farquind.

Sumo... all I can think when I see that picture is that she has a proper octopus beak under there.


I think people would prefer testicles.


For those unfamiliar with an octopus beak see below . 


Octo Beak