
Opposition solicitors beware

A Scottish firm has posted a stirring montage of its lawyers reciting poetry and playing the bagpipes in a promo video bursting with pride. 

The unearthed gem by Burness Paull, which was shot in December 2020, opens with a title which at first glance suggests the firm is promoting personal injury advice for horrific fire accidents:


However, Managing Partner Tamar Tammes explains: "What some of you may not appreciate is that the Burness part of our name comes from its founders: William and James, who were cousins of the very Rabbie Burns of Montrose."

Tenuous link established, Tammes goes on to admit that the great poet had a "very tempestuous relationship with the legal profession" and sometimes fell "on the wrong side of the law...he writes with disdain of lawyers in both Tam o' Shanter and The Jolly Beggars."

It's not just angry clients


The video goes on to showcase Burness Paull lawyers reciting Burns' poems, which may cause the Scottish bard to spin in his grave, as each YouTube hit translates to a law firm marketing win.

One lawyer looked dangerously close to opening a vein at the prospect of appearing in the video...

Burns b

...but he was only slicing into a mixture of a sheep's lungs and heart. Phew:


A delightful bagpipe rendition, with a stunning view from Calton Hill in Edinburgh...

Bagpipe b

...was almost derailed when the wind picked up (mercifully, the kilt stayed down without revealing a hairy haggis):


The video was shot in the midst of the pandemic, when heading to the hills alone and riding an imaginary horse was a common pastime. No judgment:

Burns c

With a backdrop of one of Scotland's greatest man-made wonders, this canny Chair doesn't miss a chance to plug the firm's legal services (YouTube to spell-check the Forth bridges):

Burns c

Solo drinking by a bridge can be a red flag, but this is a wee dram of the finest single malt, and he's dressed to the nines, so totally acceptable:


Another solicitor confirms that reciting poetry is thirsty work (necks it):


A round of applause to Burness Paull for producing a decent video, that surely made staff at Burness Paull beam with pride.

Here's the video, a week and a half too late for Burns night, but worth a watch:

For another poetry hit, head to this discussion thread

Tip Off ROF


anon 04 February 22 10:37

As one of the poor marketing souls who sits here on a Friday waiting to patch up the RoF survey carnage, I agree it's a charming video, but can confirm the camera work and sound mixing aren't really examples of what we would describe as 'good production'.

Although I am now resigned to the average lawyer knowing more about creative and design than my years' and years' of experience has managed to yield, so maybe I should just focus on the damage limitation. 

And when I say 'average', I am of course aware that no lawyer is average; they are all well above average...

LBS 04 February 22 13:28

Used to work there. Nice people, good culture and fun, sums it up really. Well played. 

SecularJurist 04 February 22 14:23

Och, hoo romantic. The reality is, in Edinboro and Glasgow of a nicht (when there's nae lockdoon), it's ten pints o' Tennent's Extra, a pagger, a nicht c/o the polis, the file to the Procurator Fiscal, 'n' the Sheriff's Court in the mornin'.

Anonymous 05 February 22 00:51

One more for Olivia Smith. What a goddess. Props to ROF. 


Joining the tartan army now.

SecularJurist 05 February 22 18:47

Anon, keep the heid, ah'm havin' a laugh, ye ken?

The Scots voted Remain, so they've more sense than we Sassanachs.

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