A woman describing herself as an "Ashurst Attorney", has posted a series of fruity self-portraits on Facebook.

According to Vanessa Smith's profile on the social networking site (warning: relatively NSFW), first discovered by Firmspy, she studied law at the University of Melbourne and is currently employed as a lawyer at Ashurst Australia. On Sunday she posted a Facebook update claiming to be "proud" to be working for "one of the best law firms in the world - Ashurst Australia :)". And Smith must be one of the best lawyers in the world too, as just two days later, she posted: "won my first case today at Ashurst Australia :) partyy time!!!!!!!!". 

    Dress down Friday at Ashurst?

Amongst the many self-portraits Smith has posted (mostly in various stages of undress in her bathroom) is a photo of herself sporting decidedly unlawyerly clothing in what she claims is her Ashurst office. When questioned by one of her many male admirers on the appropriateness of the outfit she chose for a day at the coal-face of corporate law, she "lol"s and assures him this is just an office-based get-up. "To court you have to wear formals", she adds. Well quite.

Sadly for fans of inappropriately-attired Ashurst attorneys, the firm denies ever having employed Smith. A spokeswoman said: "No one by the name of Vanessa Smith is employed by Ashurst in any capacity". Which begs the question, why would anyone pretend to be an Ashurst lawyer?

Update: Knowing Roffers have pointed out that Vanessa Smith may in fact be US porn star Riley Steele.

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Anonymous 21 June 12 02:39

That's an impressive knowledge of the porn industry being able to name a random blonde on her features alone. I rarely look at their faces...