In the most exciting news for Anglo-Scottish relations since 1707, Dundas & Wilson and Bircham Dyson Bell have confirmed that they are looking seriously into a merger. It would see the creation of a 130 partner firm with combined revenues of almost £100 million.

Edinburgh-headquartered Dundas is a top-50 firm which turned over £62 million last year, compared to only £32 million at BDB. And the Scottish firm already has a pretty solid London presence (the firm is thought to make a tidy amount from referral work from at least one major US firm's London office) with managing partner Donald Shaw based in the big smoke. BDB meanwhile has a single office in Westminster and is a major player in parliamentary affairs, public relations and planning  work. So the merger would fulfill Dundas' aim of strengthening its London practice, and would help BDB diversify its business.   

    Scottish and English forces combining seamlessly (Culloden vintage)

At this early stage all that has been confirmed is the existence of discussions. A joint statement from the firms said "we are committed to developing our businesses, and each party has been considering various options including combining forces with firms who could help us achieve that aim. Given our positive mutual experience of collaboration to date, we can confirm that discussions...have taken place as to whether we might combine forces more formally".

Exactly what the final firm will look like is anyone's guess. And as for a name? Send your suggestions in to the usual place.
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Anonymous 23 September 11 15:32

Are they saving their money to pay for the cost of their merger or did D&W do right by their hardworking staff in this year's pay review/bonus payout??