
Titmuss Sainer Dechert merged with US firm Dechert, Price and Rhoads in July 2000, transforming into plain old Dechert in the process (shame).

The firm's  financial strength shows itself in its salaries which are above market rate for mid-sized City firms. Having been well short of the mid-Atlantic rates paid by the likes of Weils and Shearmans and not even close to the proper US rates paid by Skaddens and Kirkland, it is now well in the game with NQ salaries of £110k. Assistants can supplement their already decent pay package with a solid bonus of up to 20% of salary if they put the hours in.

There are other advantages to working at Dechert aside from the cash and the rather fancy offices. The work is good, responsibility is given early, assistants are encouraged to get involved in marketing and business development, time spent on pro bono is taken into account when it comes to dishing out bonuses and international secondments are offered. Another upside is that there's no "up-or-out" policy, so if you don't quite make it to partner you can still carry on as Counsel.

Which is just as well, because your chances of getting on the letterhead are remote, with only tiny numbers making the grade. Unsurprisingly assistants' biggest gripe is over career progression. In the past, criticism had been levelled at the lack of transparency of the partnership selection process ("completely opaque"). However, the firm is addressing this, as senior associates are now offered coaching and support towards partnership applications. There are differing views on partnership prospects: one associate says, "it is nigh on impossible to become a partner unless hired laterally". But another believes "there has been a significant increase in non-lateral partnership promotions over the last five years. Exceptional senior associates do make partner".

Finally, if you're considering the firm for a training contract you should bear in mind that the firm is historically pretty piss-poor when it comes to retention. But it is a solid place to train, and a marketable name on any CV.

In RollOnFriday's Best Law Firms to Work At 2024, a Dechert senior lawyer said, "Given how much I'm being paid, I'm fairly happy. The expectation is that we will work hard for the salary but it is nowhere near as aggressive as some of the Cravath-scale shops where you sell your soul for moolah."

Dechert moved into its "swanky" and "spacious" office last September and staff think it's excellent. The new base has "enviable client-entertainment facilities, including a rooftop with the best view of the square mile," gushed one junior lawyer.

"Generally speaking it's a pretty nice place to work", said a Dechert lawyer. "There are a handful of dinosaur partners (as with everywhere) but they're the exception to the norm. We're required to be in 3 days a week in the office which is a fair balance and for the most part people actually enjoy coming into the office as a result".


UK Offices
Non-UK Offices
Almaty, Austin, Beijing, Bonn, Boston, Brussels, Charlotte, Chicago, Dubai, Dublin, Frankfurt, Hartford, Hong Kong, Los Angeles, Luxembourg, Moscow, Munich, New York, Orange County, Paris, Philadelphia, Princeton, San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Singapore, Washington DC


1st Year Trainee
2nd Year Trainee
Profit Per Equity Partner


Target Hours
Gender Pay Gap
Health Care
Flexible Working
Maternity & Paternity Policy
Maternity policy is enhanced to 18 weeks at 100% of pay. Paternity is enhanced to 4 weeks.


Latest Trainee Retention Rate
Training contracts per year

RollOnFriday Best Law Firms to Work At: Dechert’s scores

Career Development
Work/Life Balance

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