It seems that one of the White & Case's most senior UK partners - and training principal - has been making thousands of pounds from David Irving.

Philip Stopford is the firm's Head of Energy and Infrastructure and UK training principal. He also rents a house he owns to David Irving, a man who has been fined for Holocaust denial and who spent most of 2006 in prison in Austria after being convicted of "glorifying and identifying with the German Nazi Party".

A spokesman for White & Case said that Irving had been placed in the house by an agency, and that the relationship was "purely that of a landlord and tenant". But he accepted that Stopford was aware that Irving was residing there back in November last year, and he assumed that Irving was still living there. So it's clearly not something that Stopford is desperately agitated about.

    Would you rent your house to this man?

The spokesman said that this was a private matter, and it would be absurd to “attribute the views of a tenant, regardless of what they are, onto the landlord or the firm, when they are nothing to do with either.” But it still seems like a hell of a lapse of judgement from Stopford. And it's unlikely to go down well with the firm's New York management that their training partner in London is making money out of a convicted anti-Semite, either. In fact, The Source reckons they might be apoplectic.

Stopford declined to comment - but White & Case have now said that Stopford has served notice on Irving.
