Just a quickie - an amusing piece on the US website TechnoLawyer has come to The Source's attention. It's a blog entry explaining just why you should quit "BigLaw". Now BigLaw isn't quite as exciting a title as Magic or even Silver Circle, but the same rules sort of apply.

There's lots of stuff about five year plans, terrible clients, obesity. And lots of character habilts which The Source considers particular American concerns - for instance, you should leave BigLaw if you're not "buying into the self-important culture" - which seems to mean being delighted to be still in the office doing emergency due diligence at 3am. Or there's the terrible crime of missing the word "Regards" off your email signature - this, according to the blog, is a sure sign that you want to be fired. Whatever next.

But there are some serious problems too. Most worrying of all, the sign that you need to quit law is that you spend "half of Sunday evening trolling eBay for guns".

 This is not a good sign

Even with the whole predeliction for firearms you get in the States, surely that's pretty self-explanatory...No?

Read the whole piece by clicking here.