Here's what you might have missed this week

A father and son face each other in court in a million dollar suit. Over a set of season tickets for the Chicago Cubs. That's a baseball team, folks. Like rounders, but with weak beer and hot dogs.,0,6635059.story

Earl Spencer's divorce lawyer Sir Nicholas Mostyn has named a fresh litter of piglets after his perceptions of high court judges. So there's  Self-regarding, Pompous, Publicity, Seeking and Pillock. As well as James (I do like animals with mundane human names) and Munby, the final two being a reference to Lord Justice Munby. Given that Sir Nick and Earl Spence are currently set against each other - Spencer suing the lawyer over the handling of his latest divorce - let's hope that the next brood are called Earl, Spencer and so on.

Ever played that naughty childish game where you ring a doorbell and run away. Well, think twice before doing it again. In Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Daniel P. Van Plew has faced the wrath of the authorities for catching an unnamed 14-year old in the act and dragging the child back to his house and keeping him prisoner, as well as threatening to kill him. Guess he won't ever hit a doorbell ever again.

New Zealand's 7,000 face a chicken-less future as kosher slaughter was banned in the country. An appeal against the  new Animal Welfare Slaughter Code is being prepared. Failing that, all correctly-slaughtered meat will have to be shipped in from Australia.

An inveterate gambler in Canada who wanted to be banned from his local casino has finally had his wish come true. In the week when he won $42,000 on a slot machine. Unfortuantely, his self-imposed ban wasn't enforced until the lights flashed up jackpot. The casino then refused to pay out. Because he was banned.
