Plexus pic

"Extra! Extra! Read all about it..."

RollOnFriday has just been told that Plexus is up for sale. Apparently, investors have withdrawn funding and Interpath and Pinsent Masons have been instructed. 

RollOnFriday was told days ago that this was happening. The firm fudged and fudged...then apparently announced internally this afternoon that this is happening and that RollOnFriday was about to break it. So here it is, broken. 

More to follow in depth next week. But you read it here, first.



Who are they paying? 07 June 23 07:25

Who are the owners paying to dislike the comments of their own staff?? Pinset Masons £500 per hour to refresh the page?? How sad.

Anonymous 07 June 23 07:32

It looks to have lost 11 FSMs since April 2022.  There’s about the same number of FSMs left by the looks of things.  

Losing around 50% of your FSMs in about a year is serious stuff.  They presumably moved other junior lawyers with them to the firms they joined ( or are joining).

We already know that a number of clients have pledged to move their work to the firms the FSMs are joining.  

I cannot see how Plexus can survive this.  




Bleak outlook 07 June 23 19:34

An Notice to Appoint Administrators gives them about 2 weeks to get the funding sorted thereafter its future is uncertain.  I see there are recruitment agencies seeking immediate partners for SI work in Leeds/Manchester.  If that's this lot dont apply.

Seamus 07 June 23 20:25

In admin now according to solicitor who has pulled from representing plexus in large ET case involving multiple staff. Hearing due Friday. 

Savenerola 07 June 23 20:46

In the post truth world only Trump and Johnson have lied more than the Plexus CEO who has apparently abandoned her office and is probably planning a move to a country with no extradition treaty

In the meantime her Solicitors continue to bully and threaten staff who are rightly heading for the door marked " Exit "

sad times 07 June 23 20:57

I jumped ship like many others a while ago but I take no pleasure in hearing this. It’s very sad as there are still some good eggs who are dedicated to clients and work their a*rses off.  A real shame that loyalty never seems to pay off in this industry and I hope the good people can move on to better things when all is said and done

Walter Mitty 09 June 23 08:16

Plexus have been a legit law firm, as much as BuFu are a legit clothing brand. The people managing these firms, pocketing their bonuses and dividends, should be held accountable, but they never will be.... Onto the next