In order to honour the Argentinians forging ahead in the World Cup (which is surprising since we thought the WC ended along with England's exit), we decided to feed ourselves on the food that they would eat (strict athletic diets permitting).

So, with cap in hand we ventured out to the slightly darker streets in Farringdon and happened upon the brilliant A La Cruz - arguably one of London's finest restaurants to feast upon meat. If all cuisine is like this, it's no wonder Diego ballooned.

That's a full goatee btw - it's just between chins at the moment

Whilst there are a number of Argentinean grills littered around London, none of them are like ALC. Unlike the others, this boasts a brilliant assador (basically a pile of hot logs to roast numerous spits of meat) in addition to the traditional parrilla grill (a flat bed that can be raised and lowered). Who knew grilling steak could be so complicated?

Actually, with all the artillery in place, ALC makes grilling meat of any kind look simple and delicious. The highlight was the mixed grill which boasted sweetbreads, black pudding, chorizo, two types of steak and some lamb - we're getting full just remembering it. The food is amazing, plentiful and cooked to perfection before being served up on a hot plate to ensure it all stays warm as you slowly make in-roads to the meat mountain. The sirloin steak in particular was fantastic.

There's also a voluminous selection of wines (as you'd expect at an Argentinean restaurant) that will satisfy any grape nut and accompany any piece of meat that you have requested.

Definitely worth a visit - regardless of your opinion of their national side.