what sort of an insult is "cuck"?

it can't be a typo, as it is repeated

The repetition of the word "Cuck" was such a tragic attempt at misdirection.  

Whilst Dracs and Hanners might have opinions that disgust me, neither strikes me as stupid.  Why go to the bother of creating a new username(s) and then use obviously rightward language?  Nor do either come across as outy types.  Further, tbf to hanners, I have never seen him use that phrase (or indeed actually insult anyone).

More interesting was the repeated use of "we".  Either that's a cleverer misdirection or a fck up.  If the latter, one can draw one's own conclusions...

Serge u should totally arrange for your Mrs to shag Dracs, it'd be like 2 or 3 minutes of her time and would make you look like Don fooking Goodatit.

Attempts to make this sound like serge and I have slept together are anticipated and refuted.  He has never agreed to even meet.  [love heart icon] [sad faice]

That would take the power of Hercules himself Tecco.  If you could teach him to type with demigod sized fingers.


I always hated the discuss tbh.  why throw a thing that is really shit at being thrown.  Olympic aerobie, that'd be ace



fuxache, he's not referring to individual teeth, so "fewer" makes no sense in the context. 

he isn't saying "use only five of your teeth instead of six" he is saying use "less of your teeth, generally"

If you are going to try and be a grammar nazi at least get it right.